Friday, February 11, 2011

Shakti Shiva all there is

Well, well,well, Shakti Shiva, I know that's right. I am not trying to tell you what to do with your ownself. But for me the balance of nature the true-true is the me-you, the male and yes, the female.

The beautiful dance of Shakti Shiva is all there is, really. Their love is divine. This is peace, this

is the right understanding the eternal bliss of heaven on earth.

Life is relationships isn't that true. The full spectrum of existence the ten thousand levels of manifestation from the divine dance of Shakti Shiva is Life.

Now, I know that's right.

Oh, before I forget, did you remember last Sunday was green Sunday. You super bowlers I told you my color is "green" Okay.

So here is a little poem I wrote some time ago see what you want to see

Air Wars

the dead are all
waiting to Breath again

their nostrils are flared
stretched large under
tightly shut eyes

their faces show the strain
the pull the desperation
for air

Air is all there is
they say
but no one hears
their lost voice
not carried on the air waves

The living are always fighting
for more air
air wars are all there is

say the ones
that think they are living
but no one hears them
they are too busy fighting
to listen to the voices
in the air

But it's all beautiful
when you see clearly
in the air

the dead the living
become transparent
giving their breath
to air wars with out
even knowing it

Hot air cold air
it's all the same
Air is all there is

Listen up to Love is like Oxygen:

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