Tuesday, July 31, 2012

XMas in "July" ???

Wat-wat???   A XMas in July story.  Eye told you about the "lie" in July last post,7/3/12.   In dat post "eye" mention the fact of 350 years of dependence on black slave labor, at the time of slavemaster "Independence celebration".

So watch out when "dim" start slobbering, storytelling and such, "dim" trying to "take you".

If 'dim's" story has a lot of "Punch" like "And",or an  Hawaiian punch commercial well you get the picture.

Or this brave new story with "links" and "missing links" could just be about "punctuation".
Eye noticed dat he has these Long drawn out "A n d 's".  And, wat-wat ???

Eye told you already about "And's" being the tail on the, shall we say it "Dog".
So wat dim doing walking a dog around the WhiteHouse.  For whose sake?

Is Romney,  going to come up with Jewish ancestors???  And-cess- tors???  History is messy like a cess pool or something like dat.  Who you going to blame.

Dim always on the take, but Morgan Freeman said something and now days trying to legitimize the Black Prez or something like dat.

Is it Christmas in July???  or just some more of days "Ambiguous Waves of Grace".  It's all the same.  But go ahead and "dot" your "eyes" and cross your "tee-shirt" and forget about dims lies.

(all rights resevered 7/31/12 slc)


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Light, watt-watt, Light???

Ask Dim, watt-watt???  Listen radio head you need to "mind ya own", you know watt-watt.
No, you don't know watt. You don't know watt-watt.

So, watt-watt "light"??? Beer light, street light, watt-watt???  Is dim confused, or just confusing the public?  The man said "light is freedom, and space, not in the Basement???

"Eye" wonder.  I saw some blacktop, or Tar being done to the road.  "Eye" think they only do blacktop or Tar, or Tarring, on the hottest summer day.  Like, day do it in July.  So "eye" asked if  there is a lot of "lie" in "July".  Eye mean the blacktop in the "Sunshine" was covered with, guess...
"Diamonds".  Picture it.  Are "dim" trying to tell you something?

Well, dim say Independence Day, but, but, there was 350 years of "Dependence" on Slave Labor.  Right or wrong???   Dis is after and/or during da brithday.  Dim talk confusion so why should "eye" ask dim?  Ask dim watt-watt???

Oh, not to forget last X, eye wrote "diamond mind".  Not a mis-spell.  Dat's someone new to you,
her name is "Rocksee".  She just wanted to shake raddle and roll you.  She just wanted you to hear the Rocks in your head, or the Rocks-in-your  "diamond mind".

Have a good , "one" or "two" or watt-ever???

post 7/3/12 all rights reserved slc.