Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Intelligent design "art for peace sake"

(new video added 7/2/11)

Try putting peacekeepers on the Flotilla. They can inspect the boats and stop the unnecessary violence. We have to think "Peace". We have to believe in "Humanity".
We have to believe that there are good people that just want to express humanity.

One year of Lady blah blah review from 6/29/10 to the Master Plan 5/19/11
to now 6/29/11.

Be well and be safe, all of you. Alice Walker this video is especially for you and the "Audaciousity of Hope".
from lady blah blah for peace sake:
Think Humanity and wear a smile.

Just a reminder of what it's all about.
Listen Up:

Thursday, June 23, 2011

No stopping "US"

Well, well, we went from the BP oil spill to the MP master plan. I began this blog to focus a little of the "Big Picture" and not so much on the problems of "myopia".
I also said I wanted the "soulution". (word play)

The Master plan so post 5/19/11 is "World Wide Wrap" for the good of all of, you got it, "US".

So the "US" no stopping us, is all of "US".

I have more to say but I will have to come back went I can spend more time, so there will be more next time.

In the "mean time" remember, how hot "Soulfunk" was back in the day. Remember that Big Blue "Disco" ball spending in the middle of the room, keep on thinking.... and remember the MP is World Wide Wrap:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Towards "World Peace" the Master Plan

World Wide Wrap,get it,do it. Yes, we can. I won't say the economy is studpid but it leaves a lot to be desired. Like expansion and growth for the good of all Americans and the world in general will benefit,also.

Ya'll,smile, do you want me to write a letter to Ben Bernanake, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve??? Should I send him the Master Plan (see post 5/19/11)? What-what,yeah. Okay.

Watch these rap video's from Russia and Japan.

World Wide Wrap, the thought of it is so sweet it brings tears to lady blah blah's eyes. We don't have to be "haters". "We are the World" give peace a chance. "Ya'll"

Watch these videos and think about "Peace": (more to come)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A new Era The MP is working

(6/13/11 added info on Japan and added video)
So the Master Plan is working. On June 6/11 a group of Millionaires called on the
Congress to "Raise the Taxes". They want to "Raise" the taxes on individuals earning more than $1 million.

The Master Plan is important. "World Wide Wrap" the money is coming the spirit is willing all over the world.

Okay, the plan included Japan, but Japan may not be ready for a long time.

Too much radiation.
But Dr. Shimichi,of the Atomic Bomb Reserch Inst. says, " The effect of radiation do not come to people that are "happy" and "laughing". They come to people that are weak spirited that brood and fret."

I am not so sure about that, but lifting the human spirit around the world can't but be, a "good thing".

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Good News the "MP" 5/19 is working

The Master Plan is working. The steelers, or stealer's are at it again. I knew they could not resist. The nature of the beast???

But this is the begining of the Master Plan. Yes, lady blah blah's was to stimulate the economy. Right,okay.

A new video network just so happen to come about "AFTER" my letter to President Obama, presenting the "Master PLan" to help the American economy and the global situation for the "good of all people".

Mr EgoMan, the stealer from the Tea Party, is all about selfish self agrandizment. He's claiming "truth" and "teaching critical thinking" ALL OF A SUDDEN. After almost three years of complaining about our President. He's focused on college students and truth. Why so?
This is coming from my earlier "blog work" see past post from 6/29/10 to today's work.

I am serious about the Master Plan, Live Connection, World Wide Wrap, international good will ambassadors.

(see the Master Plan 5/19

Sunday, June 5, 2011

They Shall know my "Voice" (more GSH 6/7/11

Remembering the voice of Gil Scott Heron (new vedio added 6/7/11)

Stay tuned more to come:
to be continued: