Monday, December 31, 2012

"X" out, will you please, please, please....

Stop it already, with the violence.
I was just selling my "peaceshirts" to the college kids.  I was not try sell Glocks, or AKA, whatever "rifles".  And, and, you come after me for nothing.

So how long has dis been going on, and on, and on???
Who yu want to pick-on Mugzy?
Poor little me??? Yeah, yu like dat..

But Yu ain't right, Yu, all "wrong"  Mugzy.  Yu two blind two see the real truth, what is yur problem anywho???

Yu want to pick on poor little me, and think yu all dat.
Yu think Yu a big old man, or a pig woman whatever,

 but Yu aint nothing at all in my book.

(2B continued)  Check back, later gator.
And, and, and....
PEACE... (review for now)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Because , rent is 2 damn high


Listen, you know why "JC" was born here.

But here is what I want to tell you.

 "Mugzy"  I aint going for dat Ho Ho Ho stuff.  Yu all wrong.

Yu male chauvinist "pig" breaking and entering bugler in blackface, yu yu yu criminal.

Yu with a sach full of stuff yu stole from poor people to give to the "rich".



Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Is dat U "mugsy, Mugzy"..???

It's 12, 12, 12, and and and...

Wat, you say "Mugzy"?
 Listen, the basement is not the attic.  And, and, and an Attic is not a basement.

Dat means "A" is not "B" and "B" is not "A".
Why do "eye" have to tell you dis.

 "Angel" is not the "Beast" and, and, and...
( go figure)
 two much is two much.

Mugzy, is dat U, claiming down the chimney?
It's a cover up. Wat cover up???

Mugzy, in black face, Mugzy the bugler...
Question how many of the brother man daz got in prison???

READ DIS and and and think about it:

Sunday, December 2, 2012

"Dim" got ..."White Castle-Law"

(all right reserved (c) slc 12/2/12)

December 2, 2012 and, and, and....

You want to remember the "good-old-days" of the wild wild, west.
The "good" old days or just all wrong.   But at least daz got the price right.  Five cent for a cup of  "Joe" in the "white castle". 

But,but,but what's most good about the  good-old-days is daz "gone". 
Thank you very much. 

But some ghosts of the past remain in the basement waiting with a loaded gun dat is.

As two descended the basement stairs he waited like a ready two kill "hunter".
He saw two feet, then two legs, then bang, bang, bang he shot him down.  One seventeen year old male was dead at the bottom of the stairs.

He waited, he said, the female descended the stairs.  He saw her two feet, he saw her two legs, and he went bang, bang, bang.   Now she's dead "two" at the bottom of the basement stairs.  Stairs, steps, whatever you say "boss". 

He said, daz broke the window, he said daz broke into his
 "white castle" .   And, and, and ....

It's all about him standing "His" ground, he said....da,da,da,.... dat's all folks.

Yeah, but, but, but what about the Indian Reservations. What about the Native American women???

Do, da,da, da white castle guys, have all the rights???

Come on...  Do daz come on to the Native American Reservations "two" rape da da da....
Dat's "two" much!!!

Daz rent is 2 damn high... da,da,da,...dat's all folks