Don't don't let "dim" fool ya. Don't let them change you or rearrange you.
We got the "light" We got the "right". Watt, watt-watt.
So have a "new" year "2012"
to be continued...check later more to come on this post12/29/11
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Do remember this 2005 xmas remake

(all rights reserved slc)
(note the original King Kong movie was made 1933):
A Christmas story???:
Kong was presented as the 8th wonder of the world in New York at Christmas time in the remake movie of 2005 Why so????
Okay, its not the Godzella one it was the "King Kong" that they did for Xmas 2005. But gorilla and Godzella sound alike they do have something in common both big black monsters. Watt do you think??? Watt Watt??? Don't be confused. It's only a movie.
Here's watt you must remember "Like" is not the same as "Is".
But here's the difference in this case Godzella was the biggest of the two. 50feet high and King Kong was only 25 feet high according to the story. You like stories especial these stories.
The story is important to "remember". An actress named "glory B". Who??? Just, "glory B" forever??? Something like that is hired to make a "film" and/or "movie".
Okay, "glory B", the movie star captures the attention of King Kong on "Skull Island" were the movie crew plans to "shoot the film" their movie.
The story says that the natives want glory B as a sacrifice to Kong as he is the last of his kind. Yeah, right.
The crew fear the Island and want to turn around but "glory B" is missing.
The crew is armed but too late Kong has "glory B". They organize a rescue "party". Parties are for fun,right? Shooting parties are for "fun" that is. Parties just want to have fun.
As they continue to search for "glory B", Carl the filmmaker has a bright idea. He wants to "capture" Kong.
So, while Kong is sleeping in his lair with "glory B" by his side, Jack the captain sends in a swarm of flying giant insects. "Glory B" and Jack the captain escape on bat wings or something like that. Angry, Kong follows "glory B", bursts through "the Hollywood" gates but is knocked out by chloroform.
So, back in New York, at Christmas time, King Kong is presented chained up and imprisoned, as the 8th Wonder of the world on Broadway.
Cameras, flashing in Kong's "eyes" enrage the gorilla and he breaks free from his chains and chases Captain Jack across town where he encounters "glory B" once again. Can you believe this???
They have a moment in Central Park. The first occupiers???
Anywho, Kong climbs with "glory B" onto the Empire State Building. There he has to fight off airplane attackers. He downs three of "dim". But Kong is hit by the gunfire of the fourth plane.
Question, does this sound like a 911 thing to you???
He Kong, looks at "glory B" and falls from his heights at the top of the Empire State Building to his tragic death. Question, does this sound like an fatal attraction to you???
Next scene, "glory B" and Jack and reports gather around King Kong's dead body. Carl the filmmaker has the last word.
He says, "It wasn't the airplanes, It was Beauty that killed the Beast."
That means,it was "glory B" that killed the "King"???
merry, merry, christmas:
border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5686839687097757186" />
Thursday, December 8, 2011
"Eye"deology at the "Sin"ema

(new video added 12/17/11 on broadway)
(note all right reserved slc 12/8/11)
Okay, we have to word-up with this one. We got ideology as "eyedeoloy" and cinema as "sinema". But what don't you understand about idol worship???
You get a "lot" of your ideas from the Hollywood silver screen when you sit in the "dim" room of the "Siname" with the flashing light flicker into your "eyes" and open brain. Brain saturation??? Hypnosis??? Brain washed??? Mind-control???
So from Hollywood to deck the halls with "lots" of "holly" the game "dim" play is more than just "fantasy". From the Hollywood fans to the "fanatics" that misrepresent the real the true,the "Eye"deology is there. That's not a great big leap out of the twenty foot silver screen into your walking and talking all day long "dream".
Okay, we got to do the word thing. Fantasy, fans, fanatics,from the false to the fake. So, the big fantasy, is the falsification of the "history" the true the real and replacing it all with "fantasy".
Where's the real stuff in life we can cling too????
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
the"Big Wigs" the great pretenders....

(all rights reserver slc 11/29/11:)
Are "violet eyes" an Egyptian thing? Hollywood is about pulling the "wool" over our very eyes. Very eyes,very blue,violet too?
But why do you say it's "wool" dat they pull at??? Who is it they are trying to deceive "anywho"? The woolly headed lambs of god???
There is so much irony in the "MJ" case. Did he fall in love with a great pretender?
"Pretending Watt"??? Pretending to be a "sun-goddess"? Can a vampire's looks be a "sun-goddess" and pull the wool over on you and me and MJ too? This is confusing to me.
Okay, here goes the 64,000 dollar question. If MJ wanted a sun-goddess "Why" did he have to go to a Hollywood Lot to get one???
I just ask a lot of questions when things are questionable.
You want to say Dr. Conrad Kevorkian did it to MJ. He helped for sure but I see a lot of helpers.
I said I don't blame Dame Elizabeth,it's the system but these Hollywood stars know the "score" they are not just innocent. Misleading the masses for fun and profit.
Yeah, MJ was greatly mislead. There were many "Kevorkian" hands on him. The whole thing was a vampire thing... Ain't it a shame?
(more to come check back later.. listen to the velvet voice of Nat King Cole:
Saturday, November 19, 2011
"SUN" ....the big picture

(all rights reserved slc 11/19/11):
"Hollywood" means Halloween too. Do you see it. Superstars aren't the "Superstar" in the universe they're a Hollywood trick. They don't want you to see the light of day. But,you love Vampires so much. Look at MJ. Watt's wrong with his picture???
Recently, I noticed a supermarket tabloid that claimed the deceased Dame Elizabeth(hollywood superstar) left an estate of a "WHOPPING" 900 million One woman with 900 million dollars. Dollars and sense??? Is there any sense in this world? Remember Michael Jackson built a shrine to Dame Elizabeth. Why so? (see words supermarket superstar)do you buy it???
Anywho,that's enough money to take care of a thrid world country of a lot of people. Maybe two, third world countries. Did I say two thirds. How human is it, one woman with all dat money??? I am not blame her it's the system it all wrong. Hollywood is way overrated. Right, right.
Hollywood wants to tell us whose "hot" and whose "not". You just have to think for your own self.
So the glitter of bright lights and the beat goes on.
And "Dimm's" dat got is dimm dat get. How dus daz get it? Watt tricks are they using on you? "Dimm" how "Daz" they get "WATT" daz got?
Watch this, "dimm" "daz" "watt"... Do you hear me??? Is this just blah blah blah? think for your own self.
Dimm,"WATT"-"WATT" is it all about???
The "sun" goes down and the "superstars" goes up on the silver screen. How many pieces of silver???Thrity two pieces???
Dat's how daz get "WATT" daz got out of Twilight. Twilight is not a lot of light is it? Okay, I told you it was "tricky" for you and "treaty" for just "Dimm" and no one else.
Go ahead and "dimm" the lights,I have to ask a question. I think therefore I ask questions. "WATT's" your question lady blah blah???
The question is "WATT's" left? Leftovers? Leftovers,like in ZAH parking lot. Dat's not much is it. No,not much. Is dat like a tail on a "dog"???
Well, can you get "much" out of "more"? If you squeeze the life out of it. They been doing dat a long long time, and all you got left is a "munche" story. But you like stories don't you.
Vampires go for your neck so you don't get to say much. "silenced".
So don't meet up with "dimm" in the Zah Parking lot late at night.
Can you put your tent up in Zah parking lot and occupy it all night and all day???
A hollywood lot is where the silver screens are made. Are silver screens made in heaven? The "tricky" ones know who they are anywho.
The Empire strikes back and the Vampires are back.
"WATT" "WATT" Ah, blah,blah,blah,blah. I have so much to tell you but you have to keep your pants on.
have a pleasant thanksgiving...anywho:
Friday, November 11, 2011
The best is yet to come.... yeah
(all rights reserved slc 11/11/11)
"The Really Big Picture"
(This is a real picture of our "sun" in the heavens "watt" it looks like during a solar flare.)
The "sun" is a "orange thing" smile if you like it.
Let's be optimist. It can't hurt much. The world is changing. We are headed head long into 2012. Are you into the Mayan prophecy the winter solstice December 21, 2012.
(work in progress this post is incomplete check back later)...
added 11/120/11 You must remember this "Only the truth is the Light"
notice the uniforms the customs but "watt" does Halloween mean???
(see post 11/1/11)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
What does Halloween mean???

(all rights reserved slc 11/1/11)
We had a snow strom, East Coast. It knocked out the power, no electricity from Saturday night up until today, Tuesday. That means I did n't get a chance to post for your "halloween" message. No electricity, no "juice" is that strange or what? Did I say what? What I mean is "Watt". That's it, it's about "Wattage". Put it together and "watt" have you got? Nothing, no lights in the dark-dark. That's not dark from sunshine is it. No, I don't think so. They got it "all" from you. But I already told you about the spirit in the dark. Remember those pumpkin heads.
So, listen up, I want to make a "leap" are you ready? It's all the same the tricksters and the trick or treaters they are out to get you for all you got.
Let, search this out. Remember "wardobe" and the war game in uniforms to kill. Dressed to kill. Well, what about "warlock" witches and warlocks???. There is a lot of "war" in this stuff. A hoilday is suppose to be "holy day". So, What does halloween mean?
Okay, a clue, stardom? dizzle? fake fakers costumes or are we ruled by witches, warlocks, demons????think about it...:
They give you "ARTIFICIAL LIGHT" that's like trick or treat for kids where's the reality???? When was the WORD God, or good???
Watch out for your "wattage" or "knowledge" or your "hollars" and "sense". You are silenced, because only "money" can talk.
Protesters, don't have a "mike" Because might-is-right-is "mike", right. "Wattever" you say boss.
Hey, but it ain't right is it??? No not "realy".
They want to take your "wattage" your good senes, and then accuse you. They use and abuse the best of us and give "nothing" but the "Whalop" trick treatments in return. 401ks, forclosures, lay offs, setbacks, and you cant pay your taxes... Makes you want to hollar.... They got your "Juice" your power and they treat you like the bad guy when you try to get some of it "back".
This then is what "halloween" means. It's so strange...
more to come on this:
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Liberty Park the new reality TV
So what's in "the Wallop" the wallop street push back??? This can't be just another trick or treat, or the same old same old, business as usual wallop scheme. Poor people have been tricked enough. What are they going to do blame it all on poor me??? The poor people are the real problem,Right? That's what the right wing rhetoric told you, so, so-so. That's the t party blame game.
But Liberty Park is the New reality TV. They don't want you to watch because the Networks have not worked it over "good". You know want I mean. Did I say "good", good. It is what it is.
So they gave you the Wallop, foreclose, job lay off, and you're the bad guy. Yeah, that's what they say. They have the say so. Right, they give it to you and then said or acted as if you took it or you stole it from them. Everything is "theirzens" and nothing is "yourzens"anywho, right, right-right??? Ain't it a "ZEN". Let's go left, your left, your left....
Here we go, the T party wants to take America "Backwards". Don't be confused Liberty Park is not about the t party. Liberty Park is a progressive movement of the people waking up to the American Nightmare. They are learning something about capitalism, call it capitalism 101 or what's in the Wall Street Wallop.
But they, LP, want progressive change for the better, for all of US not the "backward" take on things called t party. I am for it, I am with them on this forward movement of progressive thinking.
"For the Liberty Park Think Tank":
Let's say No more College tuition and college fees, "Free" higher education for all American born citizens. Okay, remember the New York guy that ran for Governor? James Mc Millan, He said it right "Rent is to Damn High". Okay, let's "roll back rents" "freeze on rent increases" give peace a chance. Okay, Obama, bring the troops home.
Alright here's the brother that started the Revolution of the People for the people: listen up:
But Liberty Park is the New reality TV. They don't want you to watch because the Networks have not worked it over "good". You know want I mean. Did I say "good", good. It is what it is.
So they gave you the Wallop, foreclose, job lay off, and you're the bad guy. Yeah, that's what they say. They have the say so. Right, they give it to you and then said or acted as if you took it or you stole it from them. Everything is "theirzens" and nothing is "yourzens"anywho, right, right-right??? Ain't it a "ZEN". Let's go left, your left, your left....
Here we go, the T party wants to take America "Backwards". Don't be confused Liberty Park is not about the t party. Liberty Park is a progressive movement of the people waking up to the American Nightmare. They are learning something about capitalism, call it capitalism 101 or what's in the Wall Street Wallop.
But they, LP, want progressive change for the better, for all of US not the "backward" take on things called t party. I am for it, I am with them on this forward movement of progressive thinking.
"For the Liberty Park Think Tank":
Let's say No more College tuition and college fees, "Free" higher education for all American born citizens. Okay, remember the New York guy that ran for Governor? James Mc Millan, He said it right "Rent is to Damn High". Okay, let's "roll back rents" "freeze on rent increases" give peace a chance. Okay, Obama, bring the troops home.
Alright here's the brother that started the Revolution of the People for the people: listen up:
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
"Orange" the word

Okay, I know you want to talk about "Wall street". Go right ahead. Did you say go ahead??? Or, a Head. Whatever.
But, but-but the artist in me is acting up as the leaves on the trees are falling.
Sometime ago I discovered something about Orange. What, what-what? Yeah, "Orange" is a Negro color. Or orange is a Negro.
Did you get it. Here it is "Orange/aNegro". Well, well-well. Negro means black in Spanish. So, what's with Orange/aNegro.
It's the "Juice", get it. The juice, is the power, and the power is the, you got it "the word". But that was in the beginning before the beast "spoke". Does spook and or spoke have anything to do with each other??? Good question.
So, that's why Cinderella is black like me. I mean they turned her orange pumpkin into a "carriage". Was it love and marriage? I said, carriage. You,know like an automobile, like a hores-powered "car". Can you get car out of carriage. Are we going around and around in a circle. Are you dizzie yet? Well, they been "pumping" ever since. Oh, lady blah blah take it easy, will you. Hey, I will if you will.
But back to the future or the now. The Now of the miscarriage of justice or the miscarriage of "Just Us".
So now you know what those "orange" jump suit of prisons are about.
You can "see" this for your own self. Halloween costumes???
It's the "Juice" the juice in the can. Or,canned Juice. It's the "see" or the "Hi C" juice. It's not for the hunters, at "Nigger Head" hunting ranch is it??? Oh, no???
But God Bless the fruit of the wound "Just Us" We need a blessing and it's about time. Did I say "Time".
I told you so, Orange is a Negro, got it.(all right reservered
slc 10/11/11)
And don't forget they use Orange as a Trick or Treat color. But it's the trick and not the treat it is suppose to be. Ain't it a shame...
But once in awhile we escape, like an artist. Okay, here's a sister with the "juice":
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
All "Men" are created equal
So what's the problem? Who is the judge? Who is the jury? Who is the executioner?
It matters? I think,therefore I have to ask questions?
How I see it. The brother had on a "Batman" t-shirt. That was the first or the second problem they had with him. Who can be a "superhero"??? Who can be a terrorist? What is a terrorist?
The next thing was the lies the perjury of false witnesses, seven out of nine recanted. Lies in the court on the stand in the court. What, what-what????
Well, you know where all of this leads. Go ahead, say it. If you are a Blackman in a Batman T-shirt you are all wrong or something like that. That how they see it and they ain't go to change their mind. What does "T" stand for???
Anywho, it comes down to "money". If he can't be proven guilty and the people lied they have to pay for keeping him on death row for half of his lifetime.
But the question I have to ask is was it a "Mark Fuhrman" thing? Remember OJ the glove didn't fit so the jury could not convict. Something like that.
So, if it was a set up and everybody lied, to convict a Blackman in a Batman shirt because it just did not "fit" then that means the judge the jury the "execution" was about "money" the reparation and restitution due to the victim in the batman shirt.
That's if a true investigation showed the deal. So you don't Execute, you Exonerate. Because, here I go or hear I go,"word up", Fuhrman, Batman, Blackman, and All Men are created equal.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Deliver US from evil
Nine eleven, ten years down the road. What's it really all about "Anywho"??? Any good guesses? Does that word "guesses" look like or sound like "gases"?
Can you "gas" or not "gas"???
To "gas" or not "gas" that is the question.
"Gas" what's wrong with this question? STOP a minute. Have you run out of "Gases"?
I am thinking about the "air" up there. Or what's left of the air. We are only getting about 10% of the oxygen that we once were getting back in the day.
Can you "gas" what they are doing to the air up there??? Can you "gas" what they are doing to all of US oxygen breathing people of the planet earth? You already have "gas" the air up there and everywhere. Ain't it a shame?
Go on and "gas" your little heart out if you can? If you only had a heart, that is. If you can not even make a good "gas" its because your brain needs more "h2o".
Hey, I ain't trying to word up on you but,but,but you figure it out. Listen we have been here before, see post 6/29/10.
But don't ask me to "gas" for you. Ask me no "guesses" or "gases" and I will tell you no lies. Hey, I ain't your President, I am only your, Lady Blah Blah. Get it?
Lord,hear our prayer "Deliver US from evil"
not much else to say...listen up:
Can you "gas" or not "gas"???
To "gas" or not "gas" that is the question.
"Gas" what's wrong with this question? STOP a minute. Have you run out of "Gases"?
I am thinking about the "air" up there. Or what's left of the air. We are only getting about 10% of the oxygen that we once were getting back in the day.
Can you "gas" what they are doing to the air up there??? Can you "gas" what they are doing to all of US oxygen breathing people of the planet earth? You already have "gas" the air up there and everywhere. Ain't it a shame?
Go on and "gas" your little heart out if you can? If you only had a heart, that is. If you can not even make a good "gas" its because your brain needs more "h2o".
Hey, I ain't trying to word up on you but,but,but you figure it out. Listen we have been here before, see post 6/29/10.
But don't ask me to "gas" for you. Ask me no "guesses" or "gases" and I will tell you no lies. Hey, I ain't your President, I am only your, Lady Blah Blah. Get it?
Lord,hear our prayer "Deliver US from evil"
not much else to say...listen up:
Friday, September 2, 2011
"JOB" inclusion "JOB" exclusion

Labor day is a tell all. Bossman has got it all figured out. Who's in and Who's not.
"Anywho" you know the deal by now.
But ask yourself why labor day is the day before the "College kids" return to their classes. Whose college kids??? What, what-what?
They are not talking about brotherman in the hood going to College. Not so much. Ain't it a shame. Okay, where do they want brotherman to go??? Why so?
I got it, the answer that is,listen, here it is. The more things change the more things stay the same. Whose game is this anyway. What game??? This is brothermans real life, the "only one" he got.
So check this video out it's before the "whitehouse" illusion, that virtual reality "talk show" began. Oh, you know back in the day, or black in the day when real was real.
listen up:
Monday, August 29, 2011
Time to get "REAL"
I am like you at this time but for me all the time remembering "The King" our brother Dr. Martin Luther King jr. He was leading us "There". But what was leading us was his "courage". Without courage there is no leadership. The stone memorial is a "mixed meassage". It's a milestone to say how far we have come, but how far we still have to go.
We don't need to "stone" our president "Barack" or is it Ba"rock" Barock Obama???. Just because he looks like a "Rock Star" to Vice President Joe Biden, that is. We. We who?
We the People have to get it. Got it? Then,get real.
Alright this one is for "we the people" , I am feeling you with these ones the desire that's in our hearts and the cold hearted lessons we have to learn:to be continued...
We don't need to "stone" our president "Barack" or is it Ba"rock" Barock Obama???. Just because he looks like a "Rock Star" to Vice President Joe Biden, that is. We. We who?
We the People have to get it. Got it? Then,get real.
Alright this one is for "we the people" , I am feeling you with these ones the desire that's in our hearts and the cold hearted lessons we have to learn:to be continued...
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Flash Back

The brothers in the song "for god sake" and yes yes, People do make the world go round, got it right. I mean even if you are a Harvard Professor. What,What,a Harvard Professor??? You look like "the People" to them that's got if you know what I mean. So the beat goes on and on and on. The question is why don't you "we" all of "US" listen "Up".
By the way Tavis Smiley ain't mad at the President Barack Obama, I think he's just a little hurt. It's important that all of our "spokespersons" be heard and acknowledged for their valuable contributions.
"thank you very much".
Listen to this old school "Philly Soul" by the Stylistics the listen to for god sake, Lady Blah Blah is for the Peace for All the people, thank you very much:
Friday, July 29, 2011

(all rights reserved 7/29/11 slcousin for fnietzsche shirt and prose/poetry)
The master slave relationship is undemocractic. Let's face it America is a "MultiCultural" nation. It always has been so, and that's the reality. Anywho, fanatics are extremeist, and extremist are fanatics.
I said something to you about uniforms and fascism, see what I am talking about. It's in the bad news. But don't get me wrong I am not talking about the church or religion only about milliants and fanatics "warhorses", you get the picture.
What about balance,lady blah blah?
"What balance?" "Whose balance?"
So the "crule and unusual" T partiers are all "MULTI-MILLIONAIRS". They say balance is brother man with one nickle, and boss man with 500 million dollars or 5 billion dollars.
Boss man could give up a nickle and brother man could give up his one and "only" nickle and that's "FAIR AND BALANCE"
Can I asked a question?
Okay, Balance? What balance? Whoes balance?
What gets their attention and for how long is a question of imbalance. The sustained hatred of President Barack Obama to collape and expenses of all else can not be justified. Where's the fair and balance response????
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Intelligent design "art for peace sake"
(new video added 7/2/11)

Try putting peacekeepers on the Flotilla. They can inspect the boats and stop the unnecessary violence. We have to think "Peace". We have to believe in "Humanity".
We have to believe that there are good people that just want to express humanity.
One year of Lady blah blah review from 6/29/10 to the Master Plan 5/19/11
to now 6/29/11.
Be well and be safe, all of you. Alice Walker this video is especially for you and the "Audaciousity of Hope".
from lady blah blah for peace sake:
Think Humanity and wear a smile.
Just a reminder of what it's all about.
Listen Up:

Try putting peacekeepers on the Flotilla. They can inspect the boats and stop the unnecessary violence. We have to think "Peace". We have to believe in "Humanity".
We have to believe that there are good people that just want to express humanity.
One year of Lady blah blah review from 6/29/10 to the Master Plan 5/19/11
to now 6/29/11.
Be well and be safe, all of you. Alice Walker this video is especially for you and the "Audaciousity of Hope".
from lady blah blah for peace sake:
Think Humanity and wear a smile.
Just a reminder of what it's all about.
Listen Up:
Thursday, June 23, 2011
No stopping "US"
Well, well, we went from the BP oil spill to the MP master plan. I began this blog to focus a little of the "Big Picture" and not so much on the problems of "myopia".
I also said I wanted the "soulution". (word play)
The Master plan so post 5/19/11 is "World Wide Wrap" for the good of all of, you got it, "US".
So the "US" no stopping us, is all of "US".
I have more to say but I will have to come back went I can spend more time, so there will be more next time.
In the "mean time" remember, how hot "Soulfunk" was back in the day. Remember that Big Blue "Disco" ball spending in the middle of the room, keep on thinking.... and remember the MP is World Wide Wrap:
I also said I wanted the "soulution". (word play)
The Master plan so post 5/19/11 is "World Wide Wrap" for the good of all of, you got it, "US".
So the "US" no stopping us, is all of "US".
I have more to say but I will have to come back went I can spend more time, so there will be more next time.
In the "mean time" remember, how hot "Soulfunk" was back in the day. Remember that Big Blue "Disco" ball spending in the middle of the room, keep on thinking.... and remember the MP is World Wide Wrap:
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Towards "World Peace" the Master Plan
World Wide Wrap,get it,do it. Yes, we can. I won't say the economy is studpid but it leaves a lot to be desired. Like expansion and growth for the good of all Americans and the world in general will benefit,also.
Ya'll,smile, do you want me to write a letter to Ben Bernanake, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve??? Should I send him the Master Plan (see post 5/19/11)? What-what,yeah. Okay.
Watch these rap video's from Russia and Japan.
World Wide Wrap, the thought of it is so sweet it brings tears to lady blah blah's eyes. We don't have to be "haters". "We are the World" give peace a chance. "Ya'll"
Watch these videos and think about "Peace": (more to come)
Ya'll,smile, do you want me to write a letter to Ben Bernanake, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve??? Should I send him the Master Plan (see post 5/19/11)? What-what,yeah. Okay.
Watch these rap video's from Russia and Japan.
World Wide Wrap, the thought of it is so sweet it brings tears to lady blah blah's eyes. We don't have to be "haters". "We are the World" give peace a chance. "Ya'll"
Watch these videos and think about "Peace": (more to come)
Saturday, June 11, 2011
A new Era The MP is working
(6/13/11 added info on Japan and added video)
So the Master Plan is working. On June 6/11 a group of Millionaires called on the
Congress to "Raise the Taxes". They want to "Raise" the taxes on individuals earning more than $1 million.
The Master Plan is important. "World Wide Wrap" the money is coming the spirit is willing all over the world.
Okay, the plan included Japan, but Japan may not be ready for a long time.
Too much radiation.
But Dr. Shimichi,of the Atomic Bomb Reserch Inst. says, " The effect of radiation do not come to people that are "happy" and "laughing". They come to people that are weak spirited that brood and fret."
I am not so sure about that, but lifting the human spirit around the world can't but be, a "good thing".
So the Master Plan is working. On June 6/11 a group of Millionaires called on the
Congress to "Raise the Taxes". They want to "Raise" the taxes on individuals earning more than $1 million.
The Master Plan is important. "World Wide Wrap" the money is coming the spirit is willing all over the world.
Okay, the plan included Japan, but Japan may not be ready for a long time.
Too much radiation.
But Dr. Shimichi,of the Atomic Bomb Reserch Inst. says, " The effect of radiation do not come to people that are "happy" and "laughing". They come to people that are weak spirited that brood and fret."
I am not so sure about that, but lifting the human spirit around the world can't but be, a "good thing".
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Good News the "MP" 5/19 is working
The Master Plan is working. The steelers, or stealer's are at it again. I knew they could not resist. The nature of the beast???
But this is the begining of the Master Plan. Yes, lady blah blah's was to stimulate the economy. Right,okay.
A new video network just so happen to come about "AFTER" my letter to President Obama, presenting the "Master PLan" to help the American economy and the global situation for the "good of all people".
Mr EgoMan, the stealer from the Tea Party, is all about selfish self agrandizment. He's claiming "truth" and "teaching critical thinking" ALL OF A SUDDEN. After almost three years of complaining about our President. He's focused on college students and truth. Why so?
This is coming from my earlier "blog work" see past post from 6/29/10 to today's work.
I am serious about the Master Plan, Live Connection, World Wide Wrap, international good will ambassadors.
(see the Master Plan 5/19
But this is the begining of the Master Plan. Yes, lady blah blah's was to stimulate the economy. Right,okay.
A new video network just so happen to come about "AFTER" my letter to President Obama, presenting the "Master PLan" to help the American economy and the global situation for the "good of all people".
Mr EgoMan, the stealer from the Tea Party, is all about selfish self agrandizment. He's claiming "truth" and "teaching critical thinking" ALL OF A SUDDEN. After almost three years of complaining about our President. He's focused on college students and truth. Why so?
This is coming from my earlier "blog work" see past post from 6/29/10 to today's work.
I am serious about the Master Plan, Live Connection, World Wide Wrap, international good will ambassadors.
(see the Master Plan 5/19
Sunday, June 5, 2011
They Shall know my "Voice" (more GSH 6/7/11
Remembering the voice of Gil Scott Heron (new vedio added 6/7/11)
Stay tuned more to come:
to be continued:
Stay tuned more to come:
to be continued:
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
3D change you can see
World Stage, the time is right. We can do this.
See the Master Plan 5/19/11:
Note: Missy E, do something special for the World Wide Hip Hop review. You can do it. Your our Beautiful black Diva, and we are counting on you. Do some consciousnes rap, okay.
More to come, "Stay tune"
See the Master Plan 5/19/11:
Note: Missy E, do something special for the World Wide Hip Hop review. You can do it. Your our Beautiful black Diva, and we are counting on you. Do some consciousnes rap, okay.
More to come, "Stay tune"
Thursday, May 19, 2011
the Master Plan
(edited 5/21/11 "For President Ombama" see edited master plan:5/19/11
(sorry about the mistakes the libaray closed early before I could edit)We can do it, yes we can. Watch this:
We are the "World" okay.
Let's do it. A "One World" grandmaster "Hip-Hop" world show with representativeS from all the Nation's represented in the "Hip-Hop" generation of free style self-expression. May I suggest we do it. The United States of America sponsored World Wide Hip Hop review. Do it. East coast, West coast. Can we get it together for July 4, 2011. Satellite shows around the world on large screens. Okay, 3D would be "out there". Repeat performance . Do it. 2012 in Tunisia, China, Japan.
Where's the money? How about "GM" and "Chrysler" giving it up to stimulate the economy. Also do a "3D movie" of these events. We can put millions of people to work.
This idea is my gift to my government because "I feel You". This could be a good thing. All of the Artist representing their nation will be "good will" ambassadors. Give the world something to feel "Good" about.
Remember,this is the "Year of the Rabbit" start now we have up to February 2012. But we can continue it into 2012.
This is Lady Blah Blah's idea to help American and the World economically and spiritually.
PeaceLove always lady blah blah
thank you very much
(sorry about the mistakes the libaray closed early before I could edit)We can do it, yes we can. Watch this:
We are the "World" okay.
Let's do it. A "One World" grandmaster "Hip-Hop" world show with representativeS from all the Nation's represented in the "Hip-Hop" generation of free style self-expression. May I suggest we do it. The United States of America sponsored World Wide Hip Hop review. Do it. East coast, West coast. Can we get it together for July 4, 2011. Satellite shows around the world on large screens. Okay, 3D would be "out there". Repeat performance . Do it. 2012 in Tunisia, China, Japan.
Where's the money? How about "GM" and "Chrysler" giving it up to stimulate the economy. Also do a "3D movie" of these events. We can put millions of people to work.
This idea is my gift to my government because "I feel You". This could be a good thing. All of the Artist representing their nation will be "good will" ambassadors. Give the world something to feel "Good" about.
Remember,this is the "Year of the Rabbit" start now we have up to February 2012. But we can continue it into 2012.
This is Lady Blah Blah's idea to help American and the World economically and spiritually.
PeaceLove always lady blah blah
thank you very much
Friday, May 6, 2011
"Weeded OUT"
Our influence can not be denied. Even if the American power system doesn't want to "Hear Us" we are heard and felt all around the World.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Two America's
Okay, where you been, lady blah blah .. what-up?
Family issues and general winter time blahs,(smile) it's been cold, and long winter here in New England, where I am.
Listen you can always "reviwe" all of this is a now thing.
Last time I think I left you in the University's Catholic Church. As I remember I was being "pointed" at and yeah, "bang bang". He was acting "as if" you don't except that in a church do you? But people are "crazy" these days. I will write more about that experience because there is a lot too it.
But for now I want to tell you What's Up with April 16, 2011. First of all it's my daughter brithday. Happy brithday, Camille, much love and always peace.
Well, I just when through a thing over my daughter gettting "busted" for smoking pot.
She's an adult, living on her own, now in the "bad zone" the state of Geogria. She recently moved there against my better jugement but she is grown. She has a medical condition and should be allowed the medical use of marijuana for health reasons. But, not so in the state of Georgia.
Anywho, I am here in New England, and never the University. So, today is "Pot Day" here. It just happens to be on my daughter's brithday??? I means I have gone through about a month of worry over her situation and they just decided to have "pot day" on my daughters brithday. Well what can I say, but it's strange.
So, they are having what they call the "EXTRAVAGANJA" in the town commons in the middle of the day. I saw them first on the bus on the way to town. The bus was so packed they did not all have seats, it was overload and the smell of pot was strong. I got a contact hi just walking by the commons on the opposite side of the street when I got to town. I was only on the bus a few minutes but the two things did it I think.
They, they who? They the "white kids" are smoking as much "pot" as they want to, and no police around anywhere. Why is that??? These kids, "college kids" are not all on "medical marijuana" because of health problems. I saw thousands of them walking to the commons in "gangs".
(note: if they were blacks or browns they would be called "gangs".)I really did not see any African American students. I think they are to afraid to smoke pot in the public like that. But there is only a hand full of black/brown students here to begin with they dont want to be singled out.
They the "college kids" were wearing tie dyes and T shirts with large marijuana plants printed on them. Some have dreads in their hair and some don't have on their shoes they all are "smoking-smoking". I went into the commons and photo them with premission, as they passed their "pot pipes". They are selling, glass pot pipes, and yes, tie dyes. They have several music bands one on stage on a "Loud Speakers".
Wait, wait, did I say "loud"??? "LOUDSPEAKERS" But but, what about the town bylaws on "NOISE".??? Did they just arrest a sister, black female college student, for "noise"????
See Post 3/11/11 arrested development
Okay, did I say,TWO? TWO? "TWO AMERICA'S" ????
to be continued....
Friday, March 11, 2011
Arrested Development (edited 3/19/11) new stuff added

Picture on the front page of student paper 3/9/11
This image is a picture of arrested development,but it's not just a black thing. However,this African American female student was arrest at the University for violating the town's "noise" bylaws. She is currently in the run for SGA student trustee. She is just twenty years old. This is how they take away our citizenship rights and deny us the benefits of advancements in American culture. It's serious and dangerous our contact with adversaries that even now in 2011 don't want African American to get an education. Yes, even with a cover up for the iron fist in the "Big House".
Now, I ride the bus. So on a Saturday afternoon on my way to the University Church for a lecture on the Believe(in God) and the Brains development, the "Majority" students filling the bus were both "Loud and Drunk" yelling screaming to each other and say lewd things. The University here has been called a party school for that reason.
However, last week end , actual March 5, I boarded the bus to attend this lecture at around 12:00 or a little afternoon and I was surprised. Surprised they started drinking so early in the day. This was for a so-called Saint Part ricks Days celebration, I so said. They were mostly wearing something "green" like funny green hats and green beads around their neck or green shirts and other stuff. The lecture was at 12.30 noon and they were on the bus and loud and drunk celebrating in the middle of the day by slushing and singing lewd songs. One song, "I wish she was the wall of china, so I could break in to her Virgina" and worst.
I got to the lecture and was surprised again. Something like ninety percent of the student in the audience were "black" and "brown" students. Only a very few students of the "majority" group. Well, they were all on the bus but not going to the Parrish for a lecture on God.
This audience being almost all "black and brown" was surprising. It says two things since "black and brown" students are less than 1percent of the student total population. Also Catholicism is original a European religion.
During the lecture, there was so much "noise" from the next building annex to the Parrish, it caused a disturbance. I looked out of the window and could see Students on the roof, drinking and throw beer cans and so loud as to interfere with the lecture. The speaker got off track and started talking about "guilt".
Well, the lecture was on the brain. So he said, "like when you hear a noise you get worried" he said, something like that. "if you been doing wrong, you think you been caught" he said, something like that. Has the "noise" from the next building with the drunk students got louder.
I was seated in the front so I could see the slides, I need glasses. He looked at me, I said , "Oh, they are celebrating St Patricks day". He turned to the others and said, "Today's not St Patricks, is it? No,it's not" he said to the audience. They just agreed with him. Then he did something strange, pointed at me, acting as if, and said something about guns and noise. I had sense enough to duck and cover with my hands up in front of me. they laughed.
Here's what I learned. I should not open my mouth or act like I know anything.
"Intimation and the Brain"
You know I thought about this. I realized that I was seated in the front row and the rest of the student audience were seated one or two rows behind me leaving empty seats in front. It also dawned on me that the main subject was on brain development and belief.
To be continued:
Benign Neglect, Savage Inequality, just to name a few on the mark or subject of Arrested Development.
"Denigrating, our nations African American students will due nobody any good." Who said that? Did Obama say that? No, lady blah blah, said so. Okay...
to be continued.. (a work in progress)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The Year of the Rabbit, Hip Hip whoray

February 3, 2011 was the beginning of the new year, the year of the Rabbit in the lunar
calender or Chinese calender. The year of the Rabbit is for "happiness" and "good fortune". You remember I told you "happiness" is non-violence. Well, it's happening all over the world the "influence" of non-violence is shaking up the world. It's a good thing. But let's give credit where credit is due.
February is Black History month so-said, also the shorts month in the year. I could talk about that a lot but let's take it at face value.
The African American contribution to a world movement of "yes" peace and non-violence can not be denied.
From the freedom marcher and freedom riders in the 60's to free expression of conscious
Hip Hop its all good.
So, the world is changing, and it's our culture, the culture of America that the world wants. It is the culture coming from the most down trodden of America's people that is the "heart" and "life" of America that people all over the world want.
Give credit where credit is due even if you don't want to,(smile) and keep on rollin.
Lady B, can make "egg rolls":
Okay, I don't have any fortune cookies for you but I did learned how to make Chinese
"egg rolls" on February 15, at the Survivors Center, a help place for poor people like me. Anywho, I got the recipe for you.
NO EGGS IN the EGG ROLLS, what? what? What's that you say?:
But I have to tell you something else I learned while learning to make eggrolls.
I had to ask and I did ask. Why are they called Egg rolls? I could see that there arn't any eggs in the the eggrolls. So what's with the name. Wu Ling the teacher could not answer that but she said, "That's a good question".
Again it's me finding the true,that things arn't like they say.
I just wonder why people don't ask more questions.
But this is how I get in trouble y'all, I just keep on asking "questions". Some of my teachers at the university and in college didn't like me for that. But I wanted to learn what it's all about.
Can you believe I got label a troublemaker for asking questions.
They said I asked too many questions.
Is this a dictatorship or what-what is it?
Guest what else? I came up with an idea for a new peace shirt. I hand print my peaceshirt. I showed my new design to everyone at the center the next day. I will tell you about that later. Oh, yes I self copy (copyright) my designs. So, it's "Make Eggrolls" "not War". (all rights reserved 2011). I came up with a nice design for the shirt and I noticed that an Egg roll is about the same size and shape of a hand grenades or small bomb. So it works, make egg rolls, instead of, you got it. I mean its the same thing, sort of, but better. smile. "nicer" anywho.
But here is the recipe for peace... Egg rolls: (smile again if you want to)
You need veggies and eggroll wraps
slices of spicy Tofu
graded carrots
graded small amt fresh ginger
chopped onion
mung bean noodles (soak in water) to soften before you fry with veggies
add small amt salt and pepper (not too much salt you will want soy sauce later)
if you are not a veggie person (Add cook pieces of chicken or shrimp)
Stir fry veggie mix:
Stir fry all the ingredients in small amt oil till veggies are soften and cooked.
Now place a scoop of the veggie mix onto a Egg roll wrap, place mixture in the center of the wrap. Turn the wrap so it looks like a diamond shape in front of you, one corner is facing you. Take up the corner of the diamond shape and roll it towards the veggies. Try to tuck the veggies under the corner while folding in the two out side corners. It's looks like an envelop, you got the idea. Roll tight. You don't want open ends for oil to get inside your roll when you fry it in hot-hot veggie oil.
Fry till the rolls are golden brown. Cool on paper towel and enjoy with sweet and sour sauce or Chinese hot mustard. This could be a great party food with your cold beers. whatever. But it is a fried food so go easy don't do it too often.
You can see picture of Chinese New Year celebrations at:
I think they got that bigpicture from my word thing in my June blog on the BP spill. It's okay I know my stuff. see june 29/10 blog.
Word UP:
Here is some more of what I am doing, with the word thing, from the year of the Rabbit 2011, I went with Hip-Hop, and from Eggroll, I got you with "wrap" eggroll wraps. From the Black History month I got you with non-violence equals happiness and yes, around and back to the Year of the Rabbit is for , you got it, "Happiness" (smile if you want to)
So that's it. We gona Hip Hop, in the year of the Rabbit. And, yes, a shout out to all my Asian Friends, Peace and keep on rollin on.
Okay, let's HIP HOP around the world, watch this:
Monday, February 14, 2011
Ain't nothing like the real thing
Ain't nothing like the real thing. Tammi Terrel and Marvin Gaye just want to show and tell. You get the picture.
Hey, the derange the violence manics have made things so complicated.
Ain't it a shame.
I think God had the right idea to begin with but some folks can't leave well enough alone. Brute force domination conquest conquestadors that stuff you know what I am talking about. Where's the Peace.
Stop the confusion, you unfriends trying to exploit my blog for you merchenary purpose. Before you look at me you better take a look at yourself.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Shakti Shiva all there is

The beautiful dance of Shakti Shiva is all there is, really. Their love is divine. This is peace, this
is the right understanding the eternal bliss of heaven on earth.
Life is relationships isn't that true. The full spectrum of existence the ten thousand levels of manifestation from the divine dance of Shakti Shiva is Life.
Now, I know that's right.
Oh, before I forget, did you remember last Sunday was green Sunday. You super bowlers I told you my color is "green" Okay.
So here is a little poem I wrote some time ago see what you want to see
the dead are all
their nostrils are flared
stretched large under
tightly shut eyes
their faces show the strain
the pull the desperation
for air
Air is all there is
they say
but no one hears
their lost voice
not carried on the air waves
The living are always fighting
for more air
air wars are all there is
say the ones
that think they are living
but no one hears them
they are too busy fighting
to listen to the voices
in the air
But it's all beautifulwhen you see clearly
in the air
the dead the living
become transparent
giving their breath
to air wars with out
even knowing it
Hot air cold air
Hot air cold air
it's all the same
Air is all there is
Listen up to Love is like Oxygen:
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Gladiators and Violence is all

I mean a bunch of 300 pound six foot something guys "running" head long into each other at full speed. Can you image this as fun and exciting? You do? Why so?
America's favorite past time is telling. It's all about , you know, "violence" isn't it? The more violence the game the more you love it.
These Football hero's are but modern day "gladiators". The football ring, "Cow Boy" stadium is the Greek arena. If they survive they are a Hero, if not, they are brain dead, or in a wheelchair with a spinal cord injury.
But this is what you believe in. Violence is thrilling and exciting when your deranged.
I mean we should watch where all of this leads.Violence rules and it's in all aspects of our lives.
Yes, it's a male cultural thing. All of the games. Even the so-called dating game. It's a male sport. It's not fair to woman. But we are the object and not the subject. The subject is you know the male "ego" based in some form of violence. God help US. Or better the yet ...
Okay, enough already,
Lady B will be with you, if you just "Think"
Watch how Aretha had to stand up to the male Boss
But our real "freedom" will be a world "free" from male violence that where it
comes from, isn't it true:
Monday, January 17, 2011
What don't you understand about "Peace"???

(music Video included)
King accepted the Nobel Peace Prize Dec. 10,1964. This picture should tell you a lot. King is not holdling on to a rifle magnum gun magazine, whatever, like a mentally deranged maniac.
King said, at his award ceremony ..:"I accept this award today with an abiding faith in America and an audacious faith in the future of mankind." King also said.."I refuse to acccept the idea that's present nature makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the eternal "oughtness" that forever confronts him."
We all make "choices" some good some not so good, but the choice to be about "violence" and promote violence is wrong headed and only leads to more problems.
King: "I refuse to accept the idea that man is mere flotsam and jetsam (a lot of sam in this, okay to smile) in the river of of life unable to influence the unfolding events which surround him...
I refuse to accept the cynical notion that nation after nation must spiral down a militaristic stairway into the hell of thermonuclear destruction. I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in realilty.
This is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.
Now, let's think about all of this in terms of 2010 and 2011. In the summer, August 2010 folks gathered at the Lincoln Memoral laid claim to MLK's legacy. They said MLK doesn't belong to African American's. That means,that they, the folks talking were not African American's. The problem is not that they were not African American's.
The problems is they were not and don't represent or are not represevatives of King's philosophy of Non-violence.
Here are some quotes given to me in a flier by our local PeaceVigil. Quotes from the Folks,
Expressing their confusion:
I want people"Armed and Dangerous" rep. Michelle Bachmann. "Knockoff Obama" Liz Trotta foxnews. "Get what Kennedy got" fox nation. "We came unarmed This Time." T party sign
"Second American Revolution" Rush Limbaugh. "Kill Michael Moore" Glenn Beck
"Time to Reload" "Fire a Salvo"-Sarah Palin.
It's pretty clear that these "folks" are confused and incompatible with MLK's legacy of Non-Violence.
But I want to offer a little bit of hope for them too. Change. It can happen. It might be noted that Alford Nobel was in his past, I am told an Arms dealer. Can you believe it? Yes, Sarah, there is hope for all of US.
Watch this vidoe and think about it:
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Happiness is nonviolence

It's a New Year, 2011, are you already ready? I have been remembering how in the past I would see folks run out to the back yard with their "pistol" and blast off. This was there way of being loud and clear in the New Year.
Violence is not the right way. I am sorry but those people advocating violence as a "soulution" are more than just confessed they are mentally deranged. Think about it.
We need to face the facts that reality has to be about relationships, negotiation, and concessions for the sake of "peace" if we are going to have a human way of life.
Try to understand each other even if you don't want to. Try talking to each other even if you don't want to.
Those people that are advertising "violence" or advocating violence are unconscionable and wrong headed and should not be though of as "leaders".
An obession with violence says a lot about a person. Bullying others, aggresses behavior, interferring and meddling in others personal affairs are all acts of violence.
Some of these people that bully and harass others are mentally distrubed but most of them are I believe childish and hateful. They want attention by starting and keep up a "stink".
They are distrubed so they want to distrube everyone else.
What is really happening is they confuse violence with what they really want "Happiness".
Violence is not a substitue for "Happiness".
So, I am remembering the Dream. I am remembing the true "King".
When we want happiness for each other like we do for our ownself them we are making real
The key is respecting each other enough to talking to them, one on one.
Find out what you need to understand of the sake of "Peace".
Violence is not the right way. I am sorry but those people advocating violence as a "soulution" are more than just confessed they are mentally deranged. Think about it.
We need to face the facts that reality has to be about relationships, negotiation, and concessions for the sake of "peace" if we are going to have a human way of life.
Try to understand each other even if you don't want to. Try talking to each other even if you don't want to.
Those people that are advertising "violence" or advocating violence are unconscionable and wrong headed and should not be though of as "leaders".
An obession with violence says a lot about a person. Bullying others, aggresses behavior, interferring and meddling in others personal affairs are all acts of violence.
Some of these people that bully and harass others are mentally distrubed but most of them are I believe childish and hateful. They want attention by starting and keep up a "stink".
They are distrubed so they want to distrube everyone else.
What is really happening is they confuse violence with what they really want "Happiness".
Violence is not a substitue for "Happiness".
So, I am remembering the Dream. I am remembing the true "King".
When we want happiness for each other like we do for our ownself them we are making real
The key is respecting each other enough to talking to them, one on one.
Find out what you need to understand of the sake of "Peace".
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