So what's in "the Wallop" the wallop street push back??? This can't be just another trick or treat, or the same old same old, business as usual wallop scheme. Poor people have been tricked enough. What are they going to do blame it all on poor me??? The poor people are the real problem,Right? That's what the right wing rhetoric told you, so, so-so. That's the t party blame game.
But Liberty Park is the New reality TV. They don't want you to watch because the Networks have not worked it over "good". You know want I mean. Did I say "good", good. It is what it is.
So they gave you the Wallop, foreclose, job lay off, and you're the bad guy. Yeah, that's what they say. They have the say so. Right, they give it to you and then said or acted as if you took it or you stole it from them. Everything is "theirzens" and nothing is "yourzens"anywho, right, right-right??? Ain't it a "ZEN". Let's go left, your left, your left....
Here we go, the T party wants to take America "Backwards". Don't be confused Liberty Park is not about the t party. Liberty Park is a progressive movement of the people waking up to the American Nightmare. They are learning something about capitalism, call it capitalism 101 or what's in the Wall Street Wallop.
But they, LP, want progressive change for the better, for all of US not the "backward" take on things called t party. I am for it, I am with them on this forward movement of progressive thinking.
"For the Liberty Park Think Tank":
Let's say No more College tuition and college fees, "Free" higher education for all American born citizens. Okay, remember the New York guy that ran for Governor? James Mc Millan, He said it right "Rent is to Damn High". Okay, let's "roll back rents" "freeze on rent increases" give peace a chance. Okay, Obama, bring the troops home.
Alright here's the brother that started the Revolution of the People for the people: listen up:
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