(all rights reserved slc)
(note the original King Kong movie was made 1933):
A Christmas story???:
Kong was presented as the 8th wonder of the world in New York at Christmas time in the remake movie of 2005 Why so????
Okay, its not the Godzella one it was the "King Kong" that they did for Xmas 2005. But gorilla and Godzella sound alike they do have something in common both big black monsters. Watt do you think??? Watt Watt??? Don't be confused. It's only a movie.
Here's watt you must remember "Like" is not the same as "Is".
But here's the difference in this case Godzella was the biggest of the two. 50feet high and King Kong was only 25 feet high according to the story. You like stories especial these stories.
The story is important to "remember". An actress named "glory B". Who??? Just, "glory B" forever??? Something like that is hired to make a "film" and/or "movie".
Okay, "glory B", the movie star captures the attention of King Kong on "Skull Island" were the movie crew plans to "shoot the film" their movie.
The story says that the natives want glory B as a sacrifice to Kong as he is the last of his kind. Yeah, right.
The crew fear the Island and want to turn around but "glory B" is missing.
The crew is armed but too late Kong has "glory B". They organize a rescue "party". Parties are for fun,right? Shooting parties are for "fun" that is. Parties just want to have fun.
As they continue to search for "glory B", Carl the filmmaker has a bright idea. He wants to "capture" Kong.
So, while Kong is sleeping in his lair with "glory B" by his side, Jack the captain sends in a swarm of flying giant insects. "Glory B" and Jack the captain escape on bat wings or something like that. Angry, Kong follows "glory B", bursts through "the Hollywood" gates but is knocked out by chloroform.
So, back in New York, at Christmas time, King Kong is presented chained up and imprisoned, as the 8th Wonder of the world on Broadway.
Cameras, flashing in Kong's "eyes" enrage the gorilla and he breaks free from his chains and chases Captain Jack across town where he encounters "glory B" once again. Can you believe this???
They have a moment in Central Park. The first occupiers???
Anywho, Kong climbs with "glory B" onto the Empire State Building. There he has to fight off airplane attackers. He downs three of "dim". But Kong is hit by the gunfire of the fourth plane.
Question, does this sound like a 911 thing to you???
He Kong, looks at "glory B" and falls from his heights at the top of the Empire State Building to his tragic death. Question, does this sound like an fatal attraction to you???
Next scene, "glory B" and Jack and reports gather around King Kong's dead body. Carl the filmmaker has the last word.
He says, "It wasn't the airplanes, It was Beauty that killed the Beast."
That means,it was "glory B" that killed the "King"???
merry, merry, christmas:
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