Nine eleven, ten years down the road. What's it really all about "Anywho"??? Any good guesses? Does that word "guesses" look like or sound like "gases"?
Can you "gas" or not "gas"???
To "gas" or not "gas" that is the question.
"Gas" what's wrong with this question? STOP a minute. Have you run out of "Gases"?
I am thinking about the "air" up there. Or what's left of the air. We are only getting about 10% of the oxygen that we once were getting back in the day.
Can you "gas" what they are doing to the air up there??? Can you "gas" what they are doing to all of US oxygen breathing people of the planet earth? You already have "gas" the air up there and everywhere. Ain't it a shame?
Go on and "gas" your little heart out if you can? If you only had a heart, that is. If you can not even make a good "gas" its because your brain needs more "h2o".
Hey, I ain't trying to word up on you but,but,but you figure it out. Listen we have been here before, see post 6/29/10.
But don't ask me to "gas" for you. Ask me no "guesses" or "gases" and I will tell you no lies. Hey, I ain't your President, I am only your, Lady Blah Blah. Get it?
Lord,hear our prayer "Deliver US from evil"
not much else to say...listen up:
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