It's a New Year, 2011, are you already ready? I have been remembering how in the past I would see folks run out to the back yard with their "pistol" and blast off. This was there way of being loud and clear in the New Year.
Violence is not the right way. I am sorry but those people advocating violence as a "soulution" are more than just confessed they are mentally deranged. Think about it.
We need to face the facts that reality has to be about relationships, negotiation, and concessions for the sake of "peace" if we are going to have a human way of life.
Try to understand each other even if you don't want to. Try talking to each other even if you don't want to.
Those people that are advertising "violence" or advocating violence are unconscionable and wrong headed and should not be though of as "leaders".
An obession with violence says a lot about a person. Bullying others, aggresses behavior, interferring and meddling in others personal affairs are all acts of violence.
Some of these people that bully and harass others are mentally distrubed but most of them are I believe childish and hateful. They want attention by starting and keep up a "stink".
They are distrubed so they want to distrube everyone else.
What is really happening is they confuse violence with what they really want "Happiness".
Violence is not a substitue for "Happiness".
So, I am remembering the Dream. I am remembing the true "King".
When we want happiness for each other like we do for our ownself them we are making real
The key is respecting each other enough to talking to them, one on one.
Find out what you need to understand of the sake of "Peace".
Violence is not the right way. I am sorry but those people advocating violence as a "soulution" are more than just confessed they are mentally deranged. Think about it.
We need to face the facts that reality has to be about relationships, negotiation, and concessions for the sake of "peace" if we are going to have a human way of life.
Try to understand each other even if you don't want to. Try talking to each other even if you don't want to.
Those people that are advertising "violence" or advocating violence are unconscionable and wrong headed and should not be though of as "leaders".
An obession with violence says a lot about a person. Bullying others, aggresses behavior, interferring and meddling in others personal affairs are all acts of violence.
Some of these people that bully and harass others are mentally distrubed but most of them are I believe childish and hateful. They want attention by starting and keep up a "stink".
They are distrubed so they want to distrube everyone else.
What is really happening is they confuse violence with what they really want "Happiness".
Violence is not a substitue for "Happiness".
So, I am remembering the Dream. I am remembing the true "King".
When we want happiness for each other like we do for our ownself them we are making real
The key is respecting each other enough to talking to them, one on one.
Find out what you need to understand of the sake of "Peace".
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