Tuesday, July 13, 2010

So, how is it going? The air that is???

The first Sunday of this month of July was appropriately July the 4th. Independence day, and I was hoping people would at least consider our situation of dependence on oil consumption. Here I go again with my word play. Consumption:

Is consumption the case? Or is the case consumption? Like back in the day they would say, if people had "lung" problems like TB that they had the consumption. But now days as programed condition "consumers" we all have "consumption". The worst case scenario is the awful blend of "oil and air" or worst, the pollution without the

"soulution". You know what I am saying.

Second thoughts
I suggested we walk, or bike on Green Sunday, or get the bus. Well, if everyone did so this would work out. But, in actuality, I fear not. Green Sunday is worth doing but .....

Here's what I mean. A few years ago I thought it would be okay for me to vendor my peacemaker tee shirts on the downtown streets. Lots of people. I was lucky the church actually helped me get my vendors licence. The minister liked my "peace shirts" and encouraged me. But after a few days in the hot summer time heat especially on the weekends I went to him and confessed.

"I can't take it" I said
If I stand out there just an hour or two its like smoking three packs of cigarettes.
And I don't even smoke. The buses blew by me and the cars and the trucks and I just could not breath in the hot August heat on the downtown main street. I did it anyway but I was not a happy camper to say the least. What can I do I said. This was like 2006. Well, life goes on, but how well life"is is" the question.

But I want to do a "shout out" to the hero tee shirt vendor in New York time square , good job. Terrorism is not good for our health.

So, I am in a quandary over, my advice to walk, or to bike. Okay, You knew this was coming and here it is :

"It ain't easy being Green"
I am not going to blog too much this time. I am working on a project and I will let you in on it soon. In the meanwhile I suggest people get the DVD

"an inconvenient truth".
You remember that, it's Al Gore the man that should have been our President in 2000. Just think of all the things that have happen since 2000. Listen, I watch this video on Sunday July 11, and that's 7 11. You know like the "Convenient" store 7 11. Here's what I thought, is America becoming
An "Inconvenient Store"???
What does that mean? Well, aren't we all getting more than what we've bargained for
And don't you just love a bargain????

your lady Blah-Blah

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