Okay, these "nasty-cars" are not on Mars and neither are we. I noticed that these Nascars are covered with corporate logos. Interesting, and telling. What does it tell you? Well, what have they been telling you and me. We should all know by now. It's...
"Just Do It"
That's what we have been told to do. Just do it. And it's that kind of "brain saturation" that makes the whole world go "round". What do I mean by "brain saturation"? It's the repetitiveness of the system-talking in your head the "voice over" .
Now that you know dis+dat just remember that your good friend, Lady Blah Blah told you so.
Okay to...
I'm playing a little but what I mean by "brain saturation" is the well and not so well, for better and for worst, what we have been told to "think" as well as what to "do" from the cradle to the bitter "N". At the same time implicit in what to do and what to think is the
"what not to think" and "what not to do".
Dont get me wrong sometimes what we are told is "good" but not always.
"So we must think for our own selves"
Well, this blog is only to "suggest" that we think outside the proverbial box. It is the only route Lady Blah Blah knows of to "deep brain change" for the better. And even to our mutual goal of "evolution" to higher levels of Human Consciousness. We can all work on this together keeping each other "aware" of what's important for the survival of all human beings and other natural forms of life on our Planet.
I am thinking now of the dolphins. The slaughter of the dolphins in Japan is captured in a new film. I believe it is called "the Code". I haven't seen it but just hearing about it was enough for me. I am sensitive that's true but I know how to be "strong" when I must. One word of caution I believe there is some protest by the Japanese about the film not being fair to them. Again here is a case for you to be "the judge". We want to be fair to everyone. And yes some of the information in the public is suspect since this is a political society it wants to control how we see things or not see things.
One note about "the joggers" out there. What I am saying is that being a "jogger" is a choice and not a born identity. It's about the "What" and not about the "who". I am using "jogger" symbolically because the joggers out there
"Just do it"
(because they were told to just do it???)
Maybe we all have to "go slow", smell the flowers and stop the air-pollution.
( both mentally and physically)
This is our only hope and chance to get the
"Big Picture"
Don't forget this Sunday is the first Sunday of the Month. August 1/10 so it's
Tell, your friends and spread the word not to "drive" give your car a rest ... Yes, I am playing with the idea of "sex drive" just a little. But honestly, face it the car thing has been and still is a male sex symbol it's the macho macho man. Women got into it late in the game. Women used to not even drive or have a drivers licence. I am not trying to take anything away from "men" or away from woman I am just saying.
Okay, here I go again with my word thing "Motor-vator". Stop, I told you it's not easy being Green.

not too hard, not too bad either...but think about it. Okay, you can "smile" again but remember that self-control is a manly virtue.
Thanks for your considerations on Green SundayYour
Lady Blah Blah
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