So, I, Isis will begin again. This time I am your "Lady Blah-Blah" my alter ego just for truth and reconciliation, you be the judge. First I want to point out that this is serious "irony". Why because I view myself a "peaceactivist" and for Peace and Justice not just for blah-blah.
I'm going green now. But that's not new for me since I use to work for "green peace" as well as for "clean water action".
Its strange actually since I thought I was doing a good thing but got into trouble for making my environment peace shirt way back in 1991. The "lawn-woman"(property owner) was renting her basement apartment to me. It was connected to her backyard. I had a large one room with a view, the whole backyard with an open land and mountains scene. I could see this from the floor to ceiling windows that covered one side of the box. I had not realized at the time that it was a fish bowl or thought of ms lawn-lady's curiosity and/or ire over my activism. I remember tie dying colorful tees and printing drowning fish on them. I showed her my work, I was proud of my ideas to promote "green-consciousness". She, apparently coped an attitude thinking of her own "white" guilt. We were not on the same page. I know I have a right to be a "peaceacitist" and if your stuff is wrong them get busy and clean up your mess.
This environment stuff just gets to me. We all want to "breath" clean air and drink "clean" water. Why not? I think this is a "Human Rights Issue" beyond white guilt trips. Everyone should be willing to do there part to help "save this planet".
Let, we back up a minute. I want to explain "Lady Blah-Blah" my alter ego name.
Why, blah-blah. Well, the meaning of blah-blah is connected to the word "Blase". Okay, that's the irony. But,I am not. Also, blah, or blah-blah has the meaning or the feeling of "boredom" or a general feeling of "dissatisfaction" Ah,you got me with the "dis" and the "dissatisfaction".
What am I "dissatisfied " with?
Well, it's a what not a who. Right now I am with most of the thinking populous, at least I think so when I say, "Ive' had it with cars" or more importantly, their "pollution" and we need a solution now.Yes, Cars! Why so? Okay, for starter there are 200 million cars in American alone. That translates into " too-two"many millions of cars in terms of "AIR" quality. And something old fashion like a breath of fresh air. Pollution is a problem. Our brains need "oxygen" for God sake, how stupid do we have to be for the "cooperation's" to love us.
Do you remember the song "Love is Like Oxygen".
I realized we have gone and I mean "gone" from an agricultural society to industrialization but we are going to "miss the Love".
But I promise not to just Blah-Blah, I actually have a suggestion,
here it goes:
"Moratorium on Cars"
I want to propose a "Moratorium on Cars". One Sunday of each month. Let's said the First Sunday of the month. This is a voluntary "peace-action". Walk, ride a bike, okay public transport, but no-no for personal "cars". We can call this "Green Sundays". I remember when we had the blue laws on Sunday sale of alcohol.
"Green Sundays"
This is my suggestion for now, this is from our good "Lady Blah-Blah" and these thoughts will be continue next time.
I thank you for patients.
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