Stop it already, with the violence.
I was just selling my "peaceshirts" to the college kids. I was not try sell Glocks, or AKA, whatever "rifles". And, and, you come after me for nothing.
So how long has dis been going on, and on, and on???
Who yu want to pick-on Mugzy?
Poor little me??? Yeah, yu like dat..
But Yu ain't right, Yu, all "wrong" Mugzy. Yu two blind two see the real truth, what is yur problem anywho???
Yu want to pick on poor little me, and think yu all dat.
Yu think Yu a big old man, or a pig woman whatever,
but Yu aint nothing at all in my book.
(2B continued) Check back, later gator.
And, and, and....
PEACE... (review for now)
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
Because , rent is 2 damn high
Listen, you know why "JC" was born here.
But here is what I want to tell you.
"Mugzy" I aint going for dat Ho Ho Ho stuff. Yu all wrong.
Yu male chauvinist "pig" breaking and entering bugler in blackface, yu yu yu criminal.
Yu with a sach full of stuff yu stole from poor people to give to the "rich".
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Is dat U "mugsy, Mugzy"..???
It's 12, 12, 12, and and and...
Wat, you say "Mugzy"?
Listen, the basement is not the attic. And, and, and an Attic is not a basement.
Dat means "A" is not "B" and "B" is not "A".
Why do "eye" have to tell you dis.
"Angel" is not the "Beast" and, and, and...
( go figure)
two much is two much.
Mugzy, is dat U, claiming down the chimney?
It's a cover up. Wat cover up???
Mugzy, in black face, Mugzy the bugler...
Question how many of the brother man daz got in prison???
READ DIS and and and think about it:
Wat, you say "Mugzy"?
Listen, the basement is not the attic. And, and, and an Attic is not a basement.
Dat means "A" is not "B" and "B" is not "A".
Why do "eye" have to tell you dis.
"Angel" is not the "Beast" and, and, and...
( go figure)
two much is two much.
Mugzy, is dat U, claiming down the chimney?
It's a cover up. Wat cover up???
Mugzy, in black face, Mugzy the bugler...
Question how many of the brother man daz got in prison???
READ DIS and and and think about it:
Sunday, December 2, 2012
"Dim" got ..."White Castle-Law"
(all right reserved (c) slc 12/2/12)
December 2, 2012 and, and, and....
You want to remember the "good-old-days" of the wild wild, west.
The "good" old days or just all wrong. But at least daz got the price right. Five cent for a cup of "Joe" in the "white castle".
But,but,but what's most good about the good-old-days is daz "gone".
Thank you very much.
But some ghosts of the past remain in the basement waiting with a loaded gun dat is.
As two descended the basement stairs he waited like a ready two kill "hunter".
He saw two feet, then two legs, then bang, bang, bang he shot him down. One seventeen year old male was dead at the bottom of the stairs.
He waited, he said, the female descended the stairs. He saw her two feet, he saw her two legs, and he went bang, bang, bang. Now she's dead "two" at the bottom of the basement stairs. Stairs, steps, whatever you say "boss".
He said, daz broke the window, he said daz broke into his
"white castle" . And, and, and ....
It's all about him standing "His" ground, he said....da,da,da,.... dat's all folks.
Yeah, but, but, but what about the Indian Reservations. What about the Native American women???
Do, da,da, da white castle guys, have all the rights???
Come on... Do daz come on to the Native American Reservations "two" rape da da da....
Dat's "two" much!!!
Daz rent is 2 damn high... da,da,da,...dat's all folks
Saturday, November 24, 2012
and Dim got a problem w/peaceshirts ???
(edited 11/26/12)
Should I ask? How was it??? Gabble gabble, gabble day and follow up with "spin spin spin". Call dat "Black Friday". By the way is dat like "Good Friday"??? What's so good about ...
I'm asking dim dat got all of the "gravee" a few questions. Daz, got the gravee to go with the Turkey wings so you can hear "dim" singing gabble gabble, gabble. About the wings it's more lies than flies. Do turkeys fly??? Just a bunch of free "fliers"??? R we the people too think daz a bunch of blond haired, blue eyed "Angles"???
By the way why not have "Pig" or "Hog"??? Dat's not black enough???
By the way do you care how I (spell) gravy,gravey,gravee???
Important: please give native American people a break.
"Thank U, very much":
Should I ask? How was it??? Gabble gabble, gabble day and follow up with "spin spin spin". Call dat "Black Friday". By the way is dat like "Good Friday"??? What's so good about ...
I'm asking dim dat got all of the "gravee" a few questions. Daz, got the gravee to go with the Turkey wings so you can hear "dim" singing gabble gabble, gabble. About the wings it's more lies than flies. Do turkeys fly??? Just a bunch of free "fliers"??? R we the people too think daz a bunch of blond haired, blue eyed "Angles"???
By the way why not have "Pig" or "Hog"??? Dat's not black enough???
By the way do you care how I (spell) gravy,gravey,gravee???
Important: please give native American people a break.
"Thank U, very much":
Monday, November 19, 2012
Gabble, gabble....gabble
Today is November 20th 2012. There's a lot of "No" in November.
But "eye" have to asked you a real question.
What's in your gabble,gabble..gabble???
Maybe a lot of give, maybe a lot of "take".
Okay, don't U bend over and don't U sake a "tail-feather".
And, and, and No "U" turns.
"Din-Din" is served at "One", o'clock, dat is or
is it "really" about "Won"??
Att: Walleyed late night shoppers.
Dis is not a "Capital Won" advertisement.
Question, "who won", or "what one"??? Whatever...
Anywho, "Rent is 2 damn high":
Monday, November 12, 2012
Rents "R" too damn "High"
Are "we the people" being exploited?
Warlord-landlords breathing down your neck.
Are "we the people" living under the tyranny of the "money-class"
or is it flatout "terrorism" or hit the streets?
Is it just "extortion", the ever increasing "rent-rates" and, and,....
"we the people" are not represented?
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
The Political Climate...wat-wat ???
Now you know...wat-wat, could be water-water. "PC" is important.
This is a "Omen". We must have a clean and clear election, selection of "EP".
Did eye say "Oh, yeah the "guy" with his blue suedes on. On is important.
Get real American, we need "FEMA" and we need female rights. So who you going to
Vote for??? (Oh, again dis is not a trick er treat message)...
Saturday, October 20, 2012
The "Sky is Blue"
Today's the 20th and it's eightish o'clock
and I just have to tell you this....
It was you know, one for the money, two for the show, three we got "reddie" so ....
Put on you blue suede shoes and, and, and.....
Sunday, October 14, 2012
All the "Red" leafs "R" falling....
Eye told you. Set dim up "Joe" and they fall and fall dat's all "folks"
Listen, we can't do "Red" it won't work out. Cooler not Hotter is the best strategy.
Listen, Eye hear, eight bells...
Listen, we can't do "Red" it won't work out. Cooler not Hotter is the best strategy.
Listen, Eye hear, eight bells...
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Something "Blue" thank you very much....
It's October third, and it's about a quarter to 3:00, o'clock p.m. or something like dat.
So who do you want to answer the phone dis X. Eye say so far so good, considering the congress.
But really let think about it. Do you want a for "Profit" and not for the "people" for the president???
Care matters, special "sense" all god's children got shoes. Blue one's? Let's hope.
Eye don't know about Elvis. Did he swap his blue shoes from brotherman, so he could rock n roll???
Oh, did eye say "rock n roll". Okay, eye got it "Rock n Roll" is here to stay. And, and ,and eye am
rolling my eyes, and "R's" for the "Re" you know who...
"anywho" don't misstep and live to regret... mr mitt don't you....
(sorry elvis blue suede shoes ... next X..
Friday, September 21, 2012
"Mr Mitt-Stuff" whodoyou ???
Mr Big-Stuff, or Mr Mitt-Stuff, whodoyou think you "R"???
Wat-Wat you'er a republican or something like dat.
But how low will dim go??? Dirty-tricks and all dat stuff. Personal attacks on the Prez's family is below the belt. Stop already.
"Mr Mitt-Stuff," guess wat, "You'er never going to get my "Vote",
not with dat stuff. And, And, you wanta talk about "Taxes"???
Wat-wat??? Eye can't believe it's "real" butter. Or maybe its pancake make-up.
Okay, eye take dat back, eye see wat it is.
It "looks like" just plain "old noodles", oodles and oodles, of old noodles and not a
"Brain" or should eye say "Bain"
to think of. Just 47 more days and and and...
Monday, September 3, 2012
Clouds n Dim "Coffee"???
(edited 9/4/12)
Dimz dat got? Wat-wat???
Dat's not code dat's reality TV. Is real life TV or is TV real life?
How about cheesz and noodles to go wit dimz clouds in the coffee. Noodles. What noodles???
How about 100 Billion dollars worth of the slam at the "Empty Chair". What empty chair???
Dimz dat got, the backstabbers, stabbing the "used and abused poor people" while smiling it up on national TV. Wat dim doing "mitt-picking" on poor people.
Dimz dat got smiles, dim smiles cost billions and billions of dollars. But dimz tell us there's some kind of money problem.
What money problem? You know it's all about food stamps, Medicaid, social security dat stuff.
Day wants to give social security to the Wall Street Bankers. Ain't it a shame.
Is "Dim" so cheesezzzz??? Is "cheesz head" code for food stamps, welfare cheeszz?
Please, please, please, or cheez,cheez, cheez, just keep on going "running" and don't stop at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Thank you very much.
You must remember dis... 350 years of dependency on slave labor. Yeah, dat "reality tv" or wat???
Now listen up:
Dimz dat got? Wat-wat???
Dat's not code dat's reality TV. Is real life TV or is TV real life?
How about cheesz and noodles to go wit dimz clouds in the coffee. Noodles. What noodles???
How about 100 Billion dollars worth of the slam at the "Empty Chair". What empty chair???
Dimz dat got, the backstabbers, stabbing the "used and abused poor people" while smiling it up on national TV. Wat dim doing "mitt-picking" on poor people.
Dimz dat got smiles, dim smiles cost billions and billions of dollars. But dimz tell us there's some kind of money problem.
What money problem? You know it's all about food stamps, Medicaid, social security dat stuff.
Day wants to give social security to the Wall Street Bankers. Ain't it a shame.
Is "Dim" so cheesezzzz??? Is "cheesz head" code for food stamps, welfare cheeszz?
Please, please, please, or cheez,cheez, cheez, just keep on going "running" and don't stop at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Thank you very much.
You must remember dis... 350 years of dependency on slave labor. Yeah, dat "reality tv" or wat???
Now listen up:
Friday, August 17, 2012
Hey! Rasputin "Leave those girls alone"
Change the words sing alone and say, " Hey "Rasputin" leave those girls alone."
Hey the world, the girl/girls, do not need..... "Dim" menz mind control.
Woman of the world speak "Up" you matter.
You can "rise to the occasion"
Our X has come.
(all rights reserved slc 8/17/12)
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
XMas in "July" ???
Wat-wat??? A XMas in July story. Eye told you about the "lie" in July last post,7/3/12. In dat post "eye" mention the fact of 350 years of dependence on black slave labor, at the time of slavemaster "Independence celebration".
So watch out when "dim" start slobbering, storytelling and such, "dim" trying to "take you".
If 'dim's" story has a lot of "Punch" like "And",or an Hawaiian punch commercial well you get the picture.
Or this brave new story with "links" and "missing links" could just be about "punctuation".
Eye noticed dat he has these Long drawn out "A n d 's". And, wat-wat ???
Eye told you already about "And's" being the tail on the, shall we say it "Dog".
So wat dim doing walking a dog around the WhiteHouse. For whose sake?
Is Romney, going to come up with Jewish ancestors??? And-cess- tors??? History is messy like a cess pool or something like dat. Who you going to blame.
Dim always on the take, but Morgan Freeman said something and now days trying to legitimize the Black Prez or something like dat.
Is it Christmas in July??? or just some more of days "Ambiguous Waves of Grace". It's all the same. But go ahead and "dot" your "eyes" and cross your "tee-shirt" and forget about dims lies.
(all rights resevered 7/31/12 slc)
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Light, watt-watt, Light???
Ask Dim, watt-watt??? Listen radio head you need to "mind ya own", you know watt-watt.
No, you don't know watt. You don't know watt-watt.
So, watt-watt "light"??? Beer light, street light, watt-watt??? Is dim confused, or just confusing the public? The man said "light is freedom, and space, not in the Basement???
"Eye" wonder. I saw some blacktop, or Tar being done to the road. "Eye" think they only do blacktop or Tar, or Tarring, on the hottest summer day. Like, day do it in July. So "eye" asked if there is a lot of "lie" in "July". Eye mean the blacktop in the "Sunshine" was covered with, guess...
"Diamonds". Picture it. Are "dim" trying to tell you something?
Well, dim say Independence Day, but, but, there was 350 years of "Dependence" on Slave Labor. Right or wrong??? Dis is after and/or during da brithday. Dim talk confusion so why should "eye" ask dim? Ask dim watt-watt???
Oh, not to forget last X, eye wrote "diamond mind". Not a mis-spell. Dat's someone new to you,
her name is "Rocksee". She just wanted to shake raddle and roll you. She just wanted you to hear the Rocks in your head, or the Rocks-in-your "diamond mind".
Have a good , "one" or "two" or watt-ever???
post 7/3/12 all rights reserved slc.
No, you don't know watt. You don't know watt-watt.
So, watt-watt "light"??? Beer light, street light, watt-watt??? Is dim confused, or just confusing the public? The man said "light is freedom, and space, not in the Basement???
"Eye" wonder. I saw some blacktop, or Tar being done to the road. "Eye" think they only do blacktop or Tar, or Tarring, on the hottest summer day. Like, day do it in July. So "eye" asked if there is a lot of "lie" in "July". Eye mean the blacktop in the "Sunshine" was covered with, guess...
"Diamonds". Picture it. Are "dim" trying to tell you something?
Well, dim say Independence Day, but, but, there was 350 years of "Dependence" on Slave Labor. Right or wrong??? Dis is after and/or during da brithday. Dim talk confusion so why should "eye" ask dim? Ask dim watt-watt???
Oh, not to forget last X, eye wrote "diamond mind". Not a mis-spell. Dat's someone new to you,
her name is "Rocksee". She just wanted to shake raddle and roll you. She just wanted you to hear the Rocks in your head, or the Rocks-in-your "diamond mind".
Have a good , "one" or "two" or watt-ever???
post 7/3/12 all rights reserved slc.
Monday, June 18, 2012
History or His-story
History or "His story" goes on and on:
But wat if it's reversed so you can't get it?
Like beat a Mexican to death so he can't tell? Can't tell wat??? Can't tell, wat-wat??? It's the same old story "dims" always right and you is alway "Wronged". Why, Why so???
From Travon Martin to Rodney King, wait up "reverse dat". Either way you go, you go. But check this, Martin,King, and-and "Martin King" does dat ring a bell? I told you about "and".
And wat-wat??? The history of the civil rights movement and the beatings and-and, here it is "Dogs" . Dogs biting us, police dogs biting us. So the Police and the Dogs go together, like I told you about the and.
The and is the "animal" it's "the Dog" with it's tail, dats wat, the And is.
A dog chasing it's own tail. History or His-story.
Got it, see it. Dat's history and dat reversed so the beat goes on and on. Or the dog-gone, dog, goes on-and-on.
Did I say "And" as in "animal" or whatever. Let's get animal animal??? Why, why so???
The more things change the more things are "animal"??? Or something like dat.
Evolution or Soulution??? Which one??? Did "eye" say "one"???
Like beat a Mexican to death so he can't tell? Can't tell wat??? Can't tell, wat-wat??? It's the same old story "dims" always right and you is alway "Wronged". Why, Why so???
From Travon Martin to Rodney King, wait up "reverse dat". Either way you go, you go. But check this, Martin,King, and-and "Martin King" does dat ring a bell? I told you about "and".
And wat-wat??? The history of the civil rights movement and the beatings and-and, here it is "Dogs" . Dogs biting us, police dogs biting us. So the Police and the Dogs go together, like I told you about the and.
The and is the "animal" it's "the Dog" with it's tail, dats wat, the And is.
A dog chasing it's own tail. History or His-story.
Got it, see it. Dat's history and dat reversed so the beat goes on and on. Or the dog-gone, dog, goes on-and-on.
Did I say "And" as in "animal" or whatever. Let's get animal animal??? Why, why so???
The more things change the more things are "animal"??? Or something like dat.
Evolution or Soulution??? Which one??? Did "eye" say "one"???
Friday, June 8, 2012
Catch "dim" if you can???
So Charles Taylor is on trial or was for being a monster. Now the "Diamond Minds" in Sierra Leone are owned by a billionaire Israeli. Is dat a good??? So watts with the Diamond Jewelry celebration. Diamond Jubilee,or is it, you can't catch dim Pirates it's because you'er too "slow". "Slow" sounds off like "Snow". Remember, Edward the vampire showed himself in the sun to Bella to look like 'diamond snow'??? or something like dat.
So here, or hear we go. Diamonds forever is like Vampires claiming forever. Get it. Vampires are like Empires. Or something like dat "dim" never die "dim" just fade-way. Or something like dat. Like a monstrous crown or and a murderous smile "forever" ??? Watt-watt? Wat you see Wat you got??? What do "eye" know "eye" am your lady, blah blah. Got it.

Saturday, May 5, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
The big "HA, HA,HA ! "
It says "Higher than Most"

Days Okay, and the rest of Uses, is "arrested". Arrested development dat is for uses. Why so??? Could it be about color or black.
I say "No!". Watt-watt??? It's about "Dim". It's dim thing and dim do watt dim want to do. Not U, not uses. It's dim way or, you got it, "NO WAY".
But I just did a workshop on Non-Violent communication. Same day as, the "hot-to-Pot" in the town commons full of affulent, middle-class white-college kids. By the way dis was the "Biggest" hot-to-pot Fest on the commons I've witness so-far.
So-far, means, days came from "far" and "wide". Day even came from out-of-state. Dat right, or wrong, whatever, days all dims college kids dats just love to do "POT".
Oh, the NVC workshop, and the Pot fest fell on the same day "April 28,2012. But it could be "April Fools" day.
Yeah, April fools day is a 4+1, so April 28 is equal, as 2+8= 10 , 10 = 1.
"One" as in one of dim things???
So, is dis communication, the white-college kids pot fest, in the commons, in the non-violent range???.
Or, watt-watt is it??? Some more of the same old, same old??? U know, reworked, as the new "Dim Crow". Its a twist, on the old laws of exclusion and/or "No Coloreds allowed". Dims just born free, and dim just want to have fun, HA,HA,HA !
So watt it mean non-violent communication??? Listen up...
Thursday, April 19, 2012
"C" eye told U

(Colombian coffee Beans)
(all rights reserved slc 4/19/12)
Do you like these image??? Is your brain getting "stronger"??? Eye hope so for all of our sake. Eye told U "dim" needed a good strong cup of "JC". Dat's Joe-Coffee.
So watt "dim" doing now. Conquest, Conquistador??? Dim forgot to "close the door"??? The more dim move ahead the further dim lag behind??? History, is "his-story". But who "dim" going to "blame" this X??? The poor girls day stiffed??? It's just the same old story.
The secret is out, dim is too hot for "coffee". Dim is too hot for "secrets". But in truth it's all in dims head,brain,mind. Whatever???
The real issue is "Respect". Got it??? Mother Earth is doing her part. She gave dim "coffee" for dims brains. U can C it. Eye can "C" it. So watts dims problem???
Don't listen to the "tea" happy guy. He's talking about the earth was created just for "the rights of Menz". Dat conquest, conquistador. Close the door on dat guy, please. Or is the problem the Macho-Macho man again. His-Story. In other words, his words, the earth was not created for its own existence it was created for the "Macho-Macho man". Right, no wrong.
Eye have a feeling about dat "one". Eye have a feeling dat the earth will be here when all the macho-macho menz is silent. But it may not be so goody-goody for all of "Uses" or "dim". Day, got weapon of mass destruction.
But the issue is let me Spell it out for "U". "RESPECT" Is "dim" too busy, or just to "dizzy" too macho-macho for just a little bit of "RESPECT"???
"Dim" macho-macho menz ain't "big" on "RESPECT". Learn from dim watt not to be, watt not to do... and the world will be a better place.
And, don't forget Earth Day is "Every Day",
and your "joe", coffee, got it ,"JC", don't forget.
And, dont forget to"RESPECT" yourself and others and our
Friday, April 6, 2012
"C" the Light
(all rights reserved "C" 4/6/12 slc)
Maybe you need a good strong cup of "Black Joe"? Like, don't shoot dat "black cup of coffee" in the face. The brain you save might be your own.
Watch dis, "MUG-SHOTS".Got you. Question??? "Who is it "dim" want to "shoot" at? More importantly why in gods name? Why for??? Or for "Watt"??? Here we go, or "hear it" with word up:
Dim say it, "EENY,MEENY,MINY,MOE", catch a cup of Old Black Joe??? Or something like dat. You get the picture. Dere's a lot of "MEENY" in dat "one".
Are you a "mean" one, or one of "dim" mean ones??? Why so???
Or more importantly are you a wanna be like "dim"???
Dat's a "Wanna-be-like-dim"A "mean" one of "dim".
Okay, Old Black "Joe". Joe is for Coffee,right? Yes,"eye" think so. Therefore "eye" think and "eye" do "coffee". Or "eye" do coffee and "eye" think.
But look, "eye" got it with Mug,and Mugshot. Eye see it.
Okay "EYE I'M" searching, but didn't "dim" say it? Yes,day did,you know day did say it.
Watt "dim" "mean" by dat one???
So,watt-watt, black coffee and/or black "Joe" got to do wit it??? Is it also "JC"??? Maybe so.
Look at it , Joe,Coffee, JC, Mug, Mugshot...
But did "JC" wake "dim" up??? Not yet??? Watt "dim" waiting on?
Hold up, listen, "dims" got Mug and mugshot mixed up with "Thug". Dat's how dim got "mugshot".
Now you know who "dims" is aiming at when you see "thug" in your cup of "mud".
Is dats where "dim" got thug??? I'm just askin.
Look again, Joe, Coffee, JC, mug, mugshot, and yeah, "Thug", got you.
But if dis ain't a dream, "dim" why can't "dim" wake up???
Wake up and smell the coffee or something like dat???
Wake-up and take a "WALK".
But "dims" in a rush, in a hurry-up and "shoot". Ain't it a "dim" shame???
Did you know dat black,"joe-coffee", is good for your brain?
Did you know dat black joe "coffee" dat is, could just jolt "dim" up to the "sunshine" of "dims" right mind???
Watt-watt??? Do dim have a right mind??? A right mind to speak of???
Who "dim" always calling a "Mugger"???
Question again:
A "Mugger"??? A "mugger" compared to watt,compared to "WHO"???
Okay, one more X: "EENY,MEENY,MINY,..."NO!NO!,no,no....
You must remember dis, "The Brain you "save" might be your own".
and don't forget to take a walk, in the "sunshine of your right mind". Have a happy easter,and thank you very much.
Maybe you need a good strong cup of "Black Joe"? Like, don't shoot dat "black cup of coffee" in the face. The brain you save might be your own.
Watch dis, "MUG-SHOTS".Got you. Question??? "Who is it "dim" want to "shoot" at? More importantly why in gods name? Why for??? Or for "Watt"??? Here we go, or "hear it" with word up:
Dim say it, "EENY,MEENY,MINY,MOE", catch a cup of Old Black Joe??? Or something like dat. You get the picture. Dere's a lot of "MEENY" in dat "one".
Are you a "mean" one, or one of "dim" mean ones??? Why so???
Or more importantly are you a wanna be like "dim"???
Dat's a "Wanna-be-like-dim"A "mean" one of "dim".
Okay, Old Black "Joe". Joe is for Coffee,right? Yes,"eye" think so. Therefore "eye" think and "eye" do "coffee". Or "eye" do coffee and "eye" think.
But look, "eye" got it with Mug,and Mugshot. Eye see it.
Okay "EYE I'M" searching, but didn't "dim" say it? Yes,day did,you know day did say it.
Watt "dim" "mean" by dat one???
So,watt-watt, black coffee and/or black "Joe" got to do wit it??? Is it also "JC"??? Maybe so.
Look at it , Joe,Coffee, JC, Mug, Mugshot...
But did "JC" wake "dim" up??? Not yet??? Watt "dim" waiting on?
Hold up, listen, "dims" got Mug and mugshot mixed up with "Thug". Dat's how dim got "mugshot".
Now you know who "dims" is aiming at when you see "thug" in your cup of "mud".
Is dats where "dim" got thug??? I'm just askin.
Look again, Joe, Coffee, JC, mug, mugshot, and yeah, "Thug", got you.
But if dis ain't a dream, "dim" why can't "dim" wake up???
Wake up and smell the coffee or something like dat???
Wake-up and take a "WALK".
But "dims" in a rush, in a hurry-up and "shoot". Ain't it a "dim" shame???
Did you know dat black,"joe-coffee", is good for your brain?
Did you know dat black joe "coffee" dat is, could just jolt "dim" up to the "sunshine" of "dims" right mind???
Watt-watt??? Do dim have a right mind??? A right mind to speak of???
Who "dim" always calling a "Mugger"???
Question again:
A "Mugger"??? A "mugger" compared to watt,compared to "WHO"???
Okay, one more X: "EENY,MEENY,MINY,..."NO!NO!,no,no....
You must remember dis, "The Brain you "save" might be your own".
and don't forget to take a walk, in the "sunshine of your right mind". Have a happy easter,and thank you very much.
Monday, March 26, 2012
"N" Pursuit of "watt-watt" ???
Watt do you know? I mean, "watt" do you know for sure? Well, today, day say is March 26, 2012. Time "Marches" on and on in the wild, wild, west "eye-guess".
So, watt do you "guess"? Can you guess whose "watching you"??? Maybe, there is something in the "universe" watching all of us. The "Big Watchman" in the sky with diamonds???
So, watt do you "guess"? Can you guess whose "watching you"??? Maybe, there is something in the "universe" watching all of us. The "Big Watchman" in the sky with diamonds???
Saturday, March 17, 2012
"Watt's" Luck got to do with "it"
"Luck" or "lucky" dat's the game. Dim want you to think dat, it's dat away. Watt dat means is it's "dim" way or no way. "Dim" got all the luck. It's dims world you just walk around in it. Dims, "the who", dat "runs" it. And dims is running it in to the you know "watt". Read the news paper. It's a "sad" story. Ain't it ashame.
But "who" get's the luck and "who" get's the love. You know "who", "who" is.
The "Who" is "dim" and only "dim". So get use to it.
But "Green" is all we need to get by.
Dim wants to do away with "green". Dim thinks it's funny or something. Running around "smiling" and telling little white lies in the soup kitchen. Pointing the finger and he,he,he.
Hey, you smiling and laughting when it ain't funny means YOU is CRAZY.
Dat's it dat's watt I think. Some of "dim" is crazy. Are you one of "dim"? One of "dim" dat's crazy. Is "crazy" the same thing as "lucky"?
Crazy and Lucky sounds alike. Why so???
Look "eye" see dim with dim "lucky" Tshirts on dat say "Love Pink Meat". Or something like dat. Watt it mean???
So watt's with dis "Love Pink Meat" is dat lucky or crazy? Is dat about "pork"? Is dat about "pig"?
Eye just want to ask a question.
Is dat a "Love Pig" shirt or "watt"???
And I see you pointing the finger and laughing and giggling when ain't "nutin" funny.
Is Dim funny or watt???
Look watt dim is doing to this "green planet".
Watt "dim" is doing to this "green planet" is dat funny or lucky or crazy?
Which is Witch or which one?
Eye got an, "Eye love Green" shirt on (slc all right reseverd c 3/17/12)
So Watt's Luck got to do wit it????
To all my sister friends don't let "dim" "dog" you around.
But "who" get's the luck and "who" get's the love. You know "who", "who" is.
The "Who" is "dim" and only "dim". So get use to it.
But "Green" is all we need to get by.
Dim wants to do away with "green". Dim thinks it's funny or something. Running around "smiling" and telling little white lies in the soup kitchen. Pointing the finger and he,he,he.
Hey, you smiling and laughting when it ain't funny means YOU is CRAZY.
Dat's it dat's watt I think. Some of "dim" is crazy. Are you one of "dim"? One of "dim" dat's crazy. Is "crazy" the same thing as "lucky"?
Crazy and Lucky sounds alike. Why so???
Look "eye" see dim with dim "lucky" Tshirts on dat say "Love Pink Meat". Or something like dat. Watt it mean???
So watt's with dis "Love Pink Meat" is dat lucky or crazy? Is dat about "pork"? Is dat about "pig"?
Eye just want to ask a question.
Is dat a "Love Pig" shirt or "watt"???
And I see you pointing the finger and laughing and giggling when ain't "nutin" funny.
Is Dim funny or watt???
Look watt dim is doing to this "green planet".
Watt "dim" is doing to this "green planet" is dat funny or lucky or crazy?
Which is Witch or which one?
Eye got an, "Eye love Green" shirt on (slc all right reseverd c 3/17/12)
So Watt's Luck got to do wit it????
To all my sister friends don't let "dim" "dog" you around.
Monday, March 5, 2012
The Wave of the "Fukushima"
Read my blog, "no Nukes". Thank you very much.
I want to be "Pacific". "Nuke" is the new "N" word.
to be continued blog in progress:
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
"WATT" is "LOVE"???
When you real and you "know it", well it's "all right".
But, but-but, for dims that too, too-hot,
the word, the answer for "dim","dim dats too hot"
is "No", no-no".
We got to stop the madness before it is everlasting "too late".
Because, "nuke" is the new "N" word.
(all right reserved slc 2/12/12)
Note: "love aint a cartoon"
"LOVE" is "real" my friend
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
the Big picture or the Big bang "N" ???

(all rights reservered slc 2/1/12):
You don't know "Watt" love is. Watt,it ain't is myopia, conquest, brute force,and porno. There's just "love" and "ain't". Can you hear me?
But you all about "Hot" dats the problem. U is just too hot for "peaceshirts". Watt, watt-watt??? Yeah,you too hot for a "conversation". You don't want to talk to me, you too hot to talk. No,peace talks for "dim" dat got. Y'all just a bunch of "hot-heads"?
You got "myopia" bad and dat ain't good.
Now, the Whole planet is suffering because of "Dim dat's too "Hot". Dim is "Nuclear bomb" hot. Ain't da "dim"? Ain't it a "dim" shame.Either way we go
it's going to just get "Hotter" and "hotter", and God help us, please.
So "Watt's" hot got to do with it.
Terrorism is hot, Greenhouse gas is hot, Nuclear weapons are hot. And guest Watt else is hot???
The "N" is going to be hot,too hot if you don't "STOP" it now.
Dat's dim,"Blanking out History" for you for all of us. "Gone"???
But the narrative is not going to matter. Who's dis who's dat.
"Dim" nuclears, dat's "not-clear bombs" ,ain't going to care so much.
Because Nuclear or "Not-Clear" is the "N" word and it ain't Love.
Interesting, listen up. "N" the beginning was the word. And the word was "Watt".
"Watt" is not "dim". The "Watt" is bright the "watt" is you got it "clear".
So "hear" we go: "dim" "not-clear" "nuclear" "nuclear bombs"....
Now "Dim" dat got "Nuclear bombs" don't know "Watt" love is. Got it.
The narrative does not matter, the narrative won't save us when the "N" is the "N".
Now lady, did you say "when" or "win". Da ain't no "win" just "when".
The hope is "when" you lay your weapons of mass destruction "down".
All of you, everybody,everywhere on God's green earth,
Or we all will be "dim" and "Blank History" forever. Da's the second "Big bang" the "N" of it all.
"Watt",you think matters, while you still can, "Think about it".
It's going to just get hotter and hotter.
It's going to be either we get "the Really Big Picture" and
make the necessary "shift"
or the evil second "Big Bang" and the "N" of it all.
Is dat the second coming??? the one the world awaits??? Watt, watt-watt?
the "win" is the "when" you "C" better, watt,watt-watt:
Okay, "Watt" the world needs now is:
Friday, January 20, 2012
Thought Police "somebody is watching You"
Daz's "Watching You". Watt, watt-watt? Yeah, the "Thought Police" are out there. Watt, for do daz "look". Just a bunch of pervs, just a bunch of stalkers. The foolish thought police, yeah. But-but why? Why so?
Just a bunch of "evil eyed monsters", pretending to "read minds". Watt, watt-watt.
Well, Lady Blah Blah Watt's your answer. Well, the answer is "dat the Left eye is watching the Right eye. And, and the Right eye is watching the Left eye and and the hip bone is connected to daz anus's or something like dat. Daz full of "dim-seleves"
Anywho, daz, "CROSSEYED" and dat why daz so "Dim".
Crosseyed, yeah dat it, dat why daz talk so much "chit".
Anywho, WATT, watt-watt do daz want from me! Okay, how do you like "dim" apples.
Watt, apples are you speaking of.
But Lady Blah Blah's got the answer. Listen up.
It's a color thing. Got it. Y'all, don't understand the reason daz watch, da
Lady, is because "COLOR is GOOD for daz EYESIGHT".
Got it "dim" "eyesight" "color".
"EYE AM" just trying to be helpful:
Okay, so-watt "HOLLWOOD" does love me so much. Daz just love money. Is dat it "money" not "love".
Daz strange, daz want you to "watch" but daz don't want you to "see". Watt, watt-watt?
So, you are watching "Hollywood" and "Hollywood" is watching you.
But the thought police are all wrong. Just tell dim to think "Love" and wear a "smile".....
Just a bunch of "evil eyed monsters", pretending to "read minds". Watt, watt-watt.
Well, Lady Blah Blah Watt's your answer. Well, the answer is "dat the Left eye is watching the Right eye. And, and the Right eye is watching the Left eye and and the hip bone is connected to daz anus's or something like dat. Daz full of "dim-seleves"
Anywho, daz, "CROSSEYED" and dat why daz so "Dim".
Crosseyed, yeah dat it, dat why daz talk so much "chit".
Anywho, WATT, watt-watt do daz want from me! Okay, how do you like "dim" apples.
Watt, apples are you speaking of.
But Lady Blah Blah's got the answer. Listen up.
It's a color thing. Got it. Y'all, don't understand the reason daz watch, da
Lady, is because "COLOR is GOOD for daz EYESIGHT".
Got it "dim" "eyesight" "color".
"EYE AM" just trying to be helpful:
Okay, so-watt "HOLLWOOD" does love me so much. Daz just love money. Is dat it "money" not "love".
Daz strange, daz want you to "watch" but daz don't want you to "see". Watt, watt-watt?
So, you are watching "Hollywood" and "Hollywood" is watching you.
But the thought police are all wrong. Just tell dim to think "Love" and wear a "smile".....
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