(all rights reservered slc 2/1/12):
You don't know "Watt" love is. Watt,it ain't is myopia, conquest, brute force,and porno. There's just "love" and "ain't". Can you hear me?
But you all about "Hot" dats the problem. U is just too hot for "peaceshirts". Watt, watt-watt??? Yeah,you too hot for a "conversation". You don't want to talk to me, you too hot to talk. No,peace talks for "dim" dat got. Y'all just a bunch of "hot-heads"?
You got "myopia" bad and dat ain't good.
Now, the Whole planet is suffering because of "Dim dat's too "Hot". Dim is "Nuclear bomb" hot. Ain't da "dim"? Ain't it a "dim" shame.Either way we go
it's going to just get "Hotter" and "hotter", and God help us, please.
So "Watt's" hot got to do with it.
Terrorism is hot, Greenhouse gas is hot, Nuclear weapons are hot. And guest Watt else is hot???
The "N" is going to be hot,too hot if you don't "STOP" it now.
Dat's dim,"Blanking out History" for you for all of us. "Gone"???
But the narrative is not going to matter. Who's dis who's dat.
"Dim" nuclears, dat's "not-clear bombs" ,ain't going to care so much.
Because Nuclear or "Not-Clear" is the "N" word and it ain't Love.
Interesting, listen up. "N" the beginning was the word. And the word was "Watt".
"Watt" is not "dim". The "Watt" is bright the "watt" is you got it "clear".
So "hear" we go: "dim" "not-clear" "nuclear" "nuclear bombs"....
Now "Dim" dat got "Nuclear bombs" don't know "Watt" love is. Got it.
The narrative does not matter, the narrative won't save us when the "N" is the "N".
Now lady, did you say "when" or "win". Da ain't no "win" just "when".
The hope is "when" you lay your weapons of mass destruction "down".
All of you, everybody,everywhere on God's green earth,
Or we all will be "dim" and "Blank History" forever. Da's the second "Big bang" the "N" of it all.
"Watt",you think matters, while you still can, "Think about it".
It's going to just get hotter and hotter.
It's going to be either we get "the Really Big Picture" and
make the necessary "shift"
or the evil second "Big Bang" and the "N" of it all.
Is dat the second coming??? the one the world awaits??? Watt, watt-watt?
the "win" is the "when" you "C" better, watt,watt-watt:
Okay, "Watt" the world needs now is:
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