(Colombian coffee Beans)
(all rights reserved slc 4/19/12)
Do you like these image??? Is your brain getting "stronger"??? Eye hope so for all of our sake. Eye told U "dim" needed a good strong cup of "JC". Dat's Joe-Coffee.
So watt "dim" doing now. Conquest, Conquistador??? Dim forgot to "close the door"??? The more dim move ahead the further dim lag behind??? History, is "his-story". But who "dim" going to "blame" this X??? The poor girls day stiffed??? It's just the same old story.
The secret is out, dim is too hot for "coffee". Dim is too hot for "secrets". But in truth it's all in dims head,brain,mind. Whatever???
The real issue is "Respect". Got it??? Mother Earth is doing her part. She gave dim "coffee" for dims brains. U can C it. Eye can "C" it. So watts dims problem???
Don't listen to the "tea" happy guy. He's talking about the earth was created just for "the rights of Menz". Dat conquest, conquistador. Close the door on dat guy, please. Or is the problem the Macho-Macho man again. His-Story. In other words, his words, the earth was not created for its own existence it was created for the "Macho-Macho man". Right, no wrong.
Eye have a feeling about dat "one". Eye have a feeling dat the earth will be here when all the macho-macho menz is silent. But it may not be so goody-goody for all of "Uses" or "dim". Day, got weapon of mass destruction.
But the issue is let me Spell it out for "U". "RESPECT" Is "dim" too busy, or just to "dizzy" too macho-macho for just a little bit of "RESPECT"???
"Dim" macho-macho menz ain't "big" on "RESPECT". Learn from dim watt not to be, watt not to do... and the world will be a better place.
And, don't forget Earth Day is "Every Day",
and your "joe", coffee, got it ,"JC", don't forget.
And, dont forget to"RESPECT" yourself and others and our
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