It says "Higher than Most"

Days Okay, and the rest of Uses, is "arrested". Arrested development dat is for uses. Why so??? Could it be about color or black.
I say "No!". Watt-watt??? It's about "Dim". It's dim thing and dim do watt dim want to do. Not U, not uses. It's dim way or, you got it, "NO WAY".
But I just did a workshop on Non-Violent communication. Same day as, the "hot-to-Pot" in the town commons full of affulent, middle-class white-college kids. By the way dis was the "Biggest" hot-to-pot Fest on the commons I've witness so-far.
So-far, means, days came from "far" and "wide". Day even came from out-of-state. Dat right, or wrong, whatever, days all dims college kids dats just love to do "POT".
Oh, the NVC workshop, and the Pot fest fell on the same day "April 28,2012. But it could be "April Fools" day.
Yeah, April fools day is a 4+1, so April 28 is equal, as 2+8= 10 , 10 = 1.
"One" as in one of dim things???
So, is dis communication, the white-college kids pot fest, in the commons, in the non-violent range???.
Or, watt-watt is it??? Some more of the same old, same old??? U know, reworked, as the new "Dim Crow". Its a twist, on the old laws of exclusion and/or "No Coloreds allowed". Dims just born free, and dim just want to have fun, HA,HA,HA !
So watt it mean non-violent communication??? Listen up...