(note check 11/9/10 post edited for spelling)
We must remember to give thanks to our "Mother Earth". Thank you "Mother Earth" for your loving kindness and goodness to all living beings. Please, people remember earth is not a toxic waste dump. Please stop abusing Mother Earth. This abuse is nothing but "male violence".
Stop battering our mother earth, stop pounding, drilling, hammer, dumping toxic stuff, mental garbage...blood spills, blood spilled all over this earth. STOP!
Like late spring this year I had an epiphany, that the oil spill was Mother Earths blood.
That the Vampire Empire was killing the earth and I could hear her scream
"Bloody Murder" screaming "Stop Stop" please stop.....
Okay, enough of this funky stuff, I want to give a shout out this thanksgiving to
Micheal Vick, for his come back. I saw in Vick, what they did was make a "victim" out of him but he's done a turn around, and now Vick, is for "victory".
This is a strange society we are in that cares more about
"dogs" than it does about human being, people, or Mother Earth
Listen up....
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