How do you like this guy's "smile"? The Pirate hat is a perfect fit.
Today is Tuesday October 12, 2010 and it is "Columbus Day". I know I know they told you it was yesterday, on Monday October 11,2010. The local public libraries were closed for two days. The sign on the door said all town libraries are closed Sunday October 10, and Monday October 11 for Columbus Day. This Holiday is quite telling isn't it. If you don't get by now you never will.
It's all about "guns" and "money" and nothing else really matters "much". So whose the savage or the savages? What does "savage" mean anyway or better "any who".
to be continued.....
(sorry about the unedited stuff 10/12/10 corrections have been made)
back to the future:10/15/10 continue of post from 10/12/10
We need to look at the word "savage" to understand "History".
But first I want to be fair to Mr Smiley face in his Pirates hat portrait.
I think his is a real case of confusion of "whose who anywho". I am not just being nice when I say he was a misguide person. After all he was "looking" for India and name the Native American people he found on this land "Indians" along with other "not-so" names like "savages".
Okay, the dictionary says a number of things for the meaning of "savage" like wild, uncivilized.
That would be like someone coming to you and shooting and stealing your stuff because he's is wild man or a savage right. It is also stated as 2: a brutal person 3: a rude or unmannerly person. Another meaning is 1: not domesticated or under human control : untame (a savage beast) b:lacking the restraints normal to civilized human beings. 3 a boorish,rude (the savage bad manners of most motorists b malicious 4 lacking "complex of advance culture".
Let's go with reverse speech or Diction/dictatorship.
But besides being confused and misguided what if he had a speech impediment. Like word don't come out strait and straightforward but are in "reverse". That would be reverse speech.
So that is why we need a Wester, a Dictionary for diction. Okay, I told I was going at the WORD and I am playing for the "real". I hope you understand that.
What is in looking at "hisstory" this error in speech as not been reconciled or corrected as cause and causal where it's at or where it all is....."today" right here right now 10/15/10
(listen up)
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