Well, the New York time has declared Mr Mysterious, Edward to be "exotically beautiful". I think that's the equivalent of "White and Pride" or "white and Proud". But why do they have to tell us whose"Beautiful" we can figure it out for our own self.
It's clear, the language is telling, I mean you can see and hear it in the words Vampire Empire. You can hear the relationship.
So, I got it, the worship of Vampires is the secret worship of Empires, isn't it.
Why are they tell us this is the Post-racial ear or time. Admit it Obama is not enough. That's like give us the "mule" but not the reperations. Remember we were suppose to get 40 acher and a "mule".
It's the language trick thing again. They say " air pollution" anymore they say "greenhouse" and they say "global warming" so you dont get it in clear language. Clear language is like "clean air"
either one is allowed under the "Control Freak System".
Yeah, so when when will we be PAID???
I have to say a little bit about Pride. First is dont bite me because I have dark meat.
Holloween and Christopher Coloumbus day in the same month of October makes sense. But last time we looked at the word "savage" andI wanted to point out the significence of Mr. Smiley face's costume. The Pirate hat and the smile to match was a lot to look at. I said Smiley face was misguided and confused. Thus the case for American identity from the beginning right to the
present is dubious or ambiguious
Tricker or Treat
But who get's the "Trick" and who get's the "Treat" anywho???
Who are we "AnyWho". Are we all, all of "US" Americans confused. Look at what happen to MJ. Someone stold something from him. Why are African Americans denied true identity.
ie "black and proud"????
That pirate hat is important to "HisStory". In fact the costume thing is very important because we are deal with the "fake" or the "snake" that wants to talk a lot of "chit"(not a mistake) by the way do you care how I spell things?) and the outfits or the "warrobe" is the big game. ie. I will at a later date deal with my spell issues.
WARRODE, see I have been doing my "peace activist" via my "peaceshirt" that I design and handprint and sell locally to the five college in this area. So you get it "peaceshirt" verses the "wardrobe" mentality. But okay, student are into jeans and tee shirts. That is until the "big chill". Then it the Wester Suit and tie and "uniforms", you know Doctors nurses, police, marshal , and yes the military come at you in "costumes" and "garb" . It's "warrobe" for the mind. I had been working on ideas that show the "HisStory" because it's show and tell if you listen up that is.
Why is that so important. Well, why was "Fascism" important. Fact, if there had not been a Christopher Columbus, there would not have been "Fascism" and/or World War 2. So I am going to be working on the fascism/fashion world of mass deception..... from my lady blah blah true view if you know what I mean. All of these things are connected, you'll see.... There are a lot of issues here and I will have to go into it so "beer with me"(Louis Gates etc)... no grizzlies, please...
(new post add to this of 10/15/10 also edited corrections) How do you like this guy's "smile"? The Pirate hat is a perfect fit.
Today is Tuesday October 12, 2010 and it is "Columbus Day". I know I know they told you it was yesterday, on Monday October 11,2010. The local public libraries were closed for two days. The sign on the door said all town libraries are closed Sunday October 10, and Monday October 11 for Columbus Day. This Holiday is quite telling isn't it. If you don't get by now you never will.
It's all about "guns" and "money" and nothing else really matters "much". So whose the savage or the savages? What does "savage" mean anyway or better "any who". to be continued..... (sorry about the unedited stuff 10/12/10 corrections have been made) back to the future:10/15/10 continue of post from 10/12/10
We need to look at the word "savage" to understand "History". But first I want to be fair to Mr Smiley face in his Pirates hat portrait. I think his is a real case of confusion of "whose who anywho". I am not just being nice when I say he was a misguide person. After all he was "looking" for India and name the Native American people he found on this land "Indians" along with other "not-so" names like "savages".
Okay, the dictionary says a number of things for the meaning of "savage" like wild, uncivilized. That would be like someone coming to you and shooting and stealing your stuff because he's is wild man or a savage right. It is also stated as 2: a brutal person 3: a rude or unmannerly person. Another meaning is 1: not domesticated or under human control : untame (a savage beast) b:lacking the restraints normal to civilized human beings. 3 a boorish,rude (the savage bad manners of most motorists b malicious 4 lacking "complex of advance culture".
Let's go with reverse speech or Diction/dictatorship.
But besides being confused and misguided what if he had a speech impediment. Like word don't come out strait and straightforward but are in "reverse". That would be reverse speech.
So that is why we need a Wester, a Dictionary for diction. Okay, I told I was going at the WORD and I am playing for the "real". I hope you understand that.
What is in looking at "hisstory" this error in speech as not been reconciled or corrected as cause and causal where it's at or where it all is....."today" right here right now 10/15/10
Oct 1/10 (note corrections done on 9/24/10 post "anywho" is my word, not a mistake.)
How's the weather out there? It's been raining. It's been very rainy but no pennies came from heaven. But I don't think that's where they, the dollars and cents come from.
Let's check the word "cents", or better in the real it's about "sense". So if dollars make you want to holler, it's because you need some "sense" to go with it.
And, (stop) I don't like the word "and". Okay why? It's like a tail on a dog you know what I mean, "heads" I win "and tails" you loose. I got you with that one. Anywho, I am not going to go with tails since I am about "truelips" got it.
By the way, there's some radio jocks out there trying to ride my blog and "smile" they came up with a poetry contest with the flower thing in it. It goes like this, you have to finish the lines to Roses are red and violets are blue...... make a poem of it and the winning poem wins a $35.00 trick to a cool down "soul" show at the Hukila. Just for them I am going to do something. Here it goes: entitled
Poem for F of M
Not all roses are red I think I read that somewhere some roses are pink and some are yellow but none of them are true Who said violets are always blue some listen to jazz I think I know a few
but none of them
are true Like my truelips
because mytruelips are Golden they are smooth not like
you know Who?
So, we want to go with our word "evilution" and see what we can see. Some people can only see money, you know those "C notes" (c notes = 100 dollar bills) like the guy in the above picture. I am not trying to go soprano or "hi C" on you. But the mean green is not the Green that I mean. What I have in mind when I am blah blahing is closer to God if you know what I mean.
Okay, I am blah blahing a little to make my point. However, this see or C stuff brings up the other words we have to work with.
You remember what I told you about the Big Picture verses "myopia". Well, I mean , there it is in the above picture, the cause of "myopia" it's that mean mean mean green.
That's not what I mean in "green talk", that mean green is the "fake" and it rhymes with "snake". We got to get real before it 's too too late. Yes, I am living under the brute force of the system just like you. But I don't have to be a total fool about it.
See it's the worship of money, and the use and abuse of nature or the natural world that has caused problems or is the problem we have to deal with.