Thursday, October 10, 2013


2013, and it  is 10/10. But right of left or whatever "His" DAY  mr.  COLDLUMBUS day is/will be celebrated Monday 10/14/13.   WHY SO???

Okay.  In 1492, mr. "Coldlumbus" sailed the Oceans Blue.
And he was "packing" ifn you know wat "eye" mean.

But here is what you have to consider.  Did he, "eye" mean, mr.COLDLUMBUS, just make a "wrong" turn, or a "Uie" in a no "U" turn zone.  Like he ain't an African American sister in the DC area with a baby in the back of his boat.   U no wat "eye" mean.  Eye, mean, what was mr. COLDLUMBUS, really  "THINKING".  Or was he thinking.

Eye mean, he looks more like the "sinnerman" looking for a brother in a "hoodie", or something like dat.
Yeah, eyethink there are a lot of cold,cold, cold "COLDLUMBUS'S" searching for something to....
The more things "change" the more things stay the "same" or do day???

Actually, the answers is "CLIMATE CHANGE"
And ,what color is the Ocean Blue, now-a-days???  Dee's days dat is.  Ask the Fish in the "see"  ifn you know wat "eye" mean.  Anywho, he changed the world and the "political" climate, and the planetary climate, "forever"  didn't he. ifn you know wat "eye" mean.

Anywho, there is a "lot" of "COLD" in the "Coldlumbus" day thing.
But, but, things are going to WARM UP.  You'll see/sea/see, whatever.

Eye,mean, why did dim  "CLOSED" will closed the public libaray, for you know WHO???
  Dat is so you don't get any ideas.

So have a "cold", cold, cold "COLDLUMBUS" day and, and...

you must remember "dis",  the cold, cold, cold is in the "details".

Listen up... dats a steal guitar, not a "air" guitar....
George and the Destroyers:          WHO DO YOU LOVE:???
(slc all rights reserver c/10/10/13)


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"ONE" second, please, please......

So, or start over, it's been awhile. Long "time" no "see" ya.
But, but,  Dim's are after your "Lady", dim just can't stand the "PEACE" or for that matter, one, more  the "PEICE" whatever.   The one I wish I had.

Question, why is "dim" so full of "HELL", I mean dim go out of "dims" way to "get" something bad on you.     You, know wat "eye" mean...
Dim's just want to "gotcha".
What a waste of "TIME" on this earth.  I can think of a million things better to do.

But speaking of "Millions", how about the woman dat won $400,000,000 dollar all by her ownself on the "powerball".

Think about it, she just got a "PIECE" of paper with all the right numbers on it, and, "BINGO".
Okay, I ain't mad at her, no "eye" ain't.
But, what is "DIM" thinking about?  Da is gone to give "ONE woman", millions, and millions of dollar bills. 
For "WHAT" ???

You know there are "millions, and millions" of people that need help just with the "necessities".  Like "food" and "housing".  $400,000,000 dollars could help millions of "poor people"  
But "DIM" don't want to do "dat"....
By the way she only got half of the money "200.000.000 dollars"  Her choice to take the lump sum.
"Eye" don't blame her for dat
But, the state got the other half, plus taxes, plus all of the looses... Who Do You think is the "WINNER"  EVER, EVER, EVERY "TIME"...