So some of US were freedom riders on the bus from the East side black to the West side "white only". And, some of US were beaten, and had dims "dogs" attacking US and thrown into jails for trying to do the right thing. Like work on a "JOB" in 1963. And, and some of US were spite on and were murdered for trying to do the right thing. Ain't it a shame???
That was then and this picture of Aug 28/1963 is wat-wat???
Is "now" then? Or is it "now and dim", and or "dim" and "now"??? Whatever.
What you can say for sure "NOW" is we get to "look" at a Black President, but, dat's only "one" man with "one" job.
Okay, "hear" we go, it is time to "SHOW US the MONEY" ifn you know what "eye" mean.
And, dat's what "eye" am talking about.
The struggle goes on, the struggle continues....