Friday, June 28, 2013

So, no "snow" but how's the "weather" ???

This is from April 2012.   So what "snow" are you talking about???

But, but my question is how's the "Political Climate" anywho???

My next question is How much carbon do you want to 'beath"or "emit" or "admit", or"submit" to,too,two, anywho or, "whatever"???  Or  anywho, anywhere.
 Or where, where,where ??? 

 Is this the .....   (also see 4/9/13 the right to return "rent control")

Thursday, June 20, 2013

"SEE" better "Lear"

The "return of the Crown":
Standing strong is "beautiful", Beautiful is standing strong.

So, who's who??? and who "R" you anywho???   Eye recently watched a DVD documentary on
Bob Marley's life.  It was excellent.  What it revealed to me is the "struggle" of human existence to know the "self" to know our identity.

 okay,  "R"  "ID" matters. 

But "anywho"  there's a place in there where he talks himself directly about his ID, being a biracial persons in the Black Identified "Jamaica".   I am not going to tell it all but "hair" is mentioned...

Nappy breads???  But what "eye" got is it's okay, it's alright to be the sons and/or the daughters of the KING

Our true father, and or "further" our true "YOU".
If'n you know what "eye" mean.   Eye only mention this because this "Hair" thing just "wont" go away.  More discourse, and...  (to be continued check back later)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"SunBody" BIGGER than you and I"

Please, remember  MEDGAR EVERS,   shot in Jackson Mississippi,  June of 1963.
Okay, it's June,June, June 2013.   But check this, today is the 11th of June 2013.  Dat's a 6 X 11 = 66 and the year 2013 = 6 so you could get "666". and , and, and.... june 6 2013 was  also "666"
 listen up on June 6 2013: 

The control "freaks" against humanity, against true sanity are not my Father Figure.  I am talking the ones called "big business"  "big banks" and most of all  "big brother".
God the father the truth and the light is all we need. 

note:  June 12,1963 was the murder date of Medgar Evers, and new info I got says it was also the date of the incarceration of President Nelson Mandala during South African apartheid  he was imprisoned for some 27 years .  Okay, dat's  like the 50 anniversary of him being unjustly imprisoned. 

But I am thinking of Africa and the "Sun" rising in the East.  Check this the word and "word up" with me "PRISM" as in "color prism"
please think about it, thank you very much, much
listen to:
Jenifer Hudson "Spotlight": 

Okay, please don't forget the Right to Return Rent Control
see post 4/9/13 and on-line petition link 5/30/13 thanks again, and again