Friday, December 20, 2013

Material world, wat, wat, wat???

Why is dat the "WREATH" on your door???
Who "died"???  And, and, made it easier
 for "DIM" dat got You.

Ai'nt it a SHAME.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

The "Sun" Nelson Mandela remembered

A poem for the memory of South African President NELSON MANDELA:

Eye "see" in Yee the "EZ US"
in the MAN
in the HUMAN
in brother "MANDELA"

The "EZ US" from the "suffering"
from "stoning" from the "beating"
of the heartless and the inhumane
the wretch and the profane

Eye "see" in Yee the "SUN"
Walking, Walking free
against Apartheid's Supremacy

Eye "see" in Yee the
the world awaited
the awaking
from SLEEP

Rah, Rah, Rah


(all rights reserved (c) slc 12/7/13)

Friday, November 29, 2013

Black, black, black FRIDAY, ???

Last time I left you with an ABSENCE, to fill in the BLANK.
So did you???
Did you, did you, you know Fill,  or Fillin and fillup with

THINKSGIVEING, and lots of stuffing???

Think whatever you want to Think, but, but
Keeping it Real, let's word Up:
So word UP, inf you got your thinking cap on. If you do then you might be "like me" questioning the use of the term
Well, well I don't think you are after all just "clueless". 
Come on black is about the money, honey.
"Eye" mean in the Black and not in the "red".  So you know who that guy is in a fat "Red" suit talkin, HO, Ho, Ho.

Black be the wealth,  the wealth of the earth, the wealth of the wealthy. How "dim" got it from who or WHOM???
Black be about "presents" under the XMAS tree???
What you think.

But here or "HEAR"  we  GO WITH THE CONFUSION.
"HEAR" we go with the NOISE. 
THE NOISE IS THE, the, the,  nasty,
 nfl nasty, "N" word.
Okay got it, it's just the "awful"  NOISE,
dats it, dats all there is too it NOISE:

bring in the NOSIE:  BUT IT AIN'T ABOUT US
(slc all rights resevered 11/29/13)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


The more things change the more things stay the same???
What "eye" am talking about is the "climate", the "Political Climate" of our great America that is.

And, and, ain't it "ASHAME".
BUT  "eye think"  eye figured it "OUT".

Dim wants "absence" and not "present". Where, Where, Where???
Okay, did you wonder where the "present" when???

dim want ABSENCE in school,
dim want ABSENCE in college
dim want ABSENCE in the university
dim want ABSENCE in the CHURCH
dim want ABSENCE in your mind and in your HEART
of, of, WHAT, or WHO???

You know the answer to that one, the simple TRUTH.
absence and not present.  Dat's and "A" and dat's a "P".
So, let me be PACIFIC and not ABSENCE.

From the Atlantic, to the "Pacific". WHERE, WHERE,WHERE "R", "U"  NOW???
 Atlantic, Atlantis,Atlantis, Atlantis, wat, wat,wat???
LISTEN UP AMERICA....stevie wonder "skeleton" whose, whose,

Thursday, October 10, 2013


2013, and it  is 10/10. But right of left or whatever "His" DAY  mr.  COLDLUMBUS day is/will be celebrated Monday 10/14/13.   WHY SO???

Okay.  In 1492, mr. "Coldlumbus" sailed the Oceans Blue.
And he was "packing" ifn you know wat "eye" mean.

But here is what you have to consider.  Did he, "eye" mean, mr.COLDLUMBUS, just make a "wrong" turn, or a "Uie" in a no "U" turn zone.  Like he ain't an African American sister in the DC area with a baby in the back of his boat.   U no wat "eye" mean.  Eye, mean, what was mr. COLDLUMBUS, really  "THINKING".  Or was he thinking.

Eye mean, he looks more like the "sinnerman" looking for a brother in a "hoodie", or something like dat.
Yeah, eyethink there are a lot of cold,cold, cold "COLDLUMBUS'S" searching for something to....
The more things "change" the more things stay the "same" or do day???

Actually, the answers is "CLIMATE CHANGE"
And ,what color is the Ocean Blue, now-a-days???  Dee's days dat is.  Ask the Fish in the "see"  ifn you know wat "eye" mean.  Anywho, he changed the world and the "political" climate, and the planetary climate, "forever"  didn't he. ifn you know wat "eye" mean.

Anywho, there is a "lot" of "COLD" in the "Coldlumbus" day thing.
But, but, things are going to WARM UP.  You'll see/sea/see, whatever.

Eye,mean, why did dim  "CLOSED" will closed the public libaray, for you know WHO???
  Dat is so you don't get any ideas.

So have a "cold", cold, cold "COLDLUMBUS" day and, and...

you must remember "dis",  the cold, cold, cold is in the "details".

Listen up... dats a steal guitar, not a "air" guitar....
George and the Destroyers:          WHO DO YOU LOVE:???
(slc all rights reserver c/10/10/13)


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"ONE" second, please, please......

So, or start over, it's been awhile. Long "time" no "see" ya.
But, but,  Dim's are after your "Lady", dim just can't stand the "PEACE" or for that matter, one, more  the "PEICE" whatever.   The one I wish I had.

Question, why is "dim" so full of "HELL", I mean dim go out of "dims" way to "get" something bad on you.     You, know wat "eye" mean...
Dim's just want to "gotcha".
What a waste of "TIME" on this earth.  I can think of a million things better to do.

But speaking of "Millions", how about the woman dat won $400,000,000 dollar all by her ownself on the "powerball".

Think about it, she just got a "PIECE" of paper with all the right numbers on it, and, "BINGO".
Okay, I ain't mad at her, no "eye" ain't.
But, what is "DIM" thinking about?  Da is gone to give "ONE woman", millions, and millions of dollar bills. 
For "WHAT" ???

You know there are "millions, and millions" of people that need help just with the "necessities".  Like "food" and "housing".  $400,000,000 dollars could help millions of "poor people"  
But "DIM" don't want to do "dat"....
By the way she only got half of the money "200.000.000 dollars"  Her choice to take the lump sum.
"Eye" don't blame her for dat
But, the state got the other half, plus taxes, plus all of the looses... Who Do You think is the "WINNER"  EVER, EVER, EVERY "TIME"...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"Show US the money" the march 1963

So some of US were freedom riders on the  bus from the East side black to the West side "white only".   And, some of US were beaten, and had dims "dogs" attacking US and thrown into jails for trying to do the right thing.  Like work on a "JOB" in 1963.  And, and some of US were spite on and were murdered for trying to do the right thing. Ain't it a shame???

That was then and this picture of Aug 28/1963 is wat-wat??? 
Is "now" then?   Or is it "now and dim", and or  "dim" and "now"???   Whatever.

What you can say for sure "NOW" is we get to "look" at a Black President, but, dat's only "one" man with "one" job.

Okay, "hear" we go, it is time to "SHOW US the MONEY" ifn you know what "eye" mean.

 And, dat's what "eye" am talking about. 
The struggle goes on, the struggle continues....

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dim the "biggest" "USERS"...

Hold tight I will be with you as soon as "eye" can.  But for now "eye" am so busy, busy, busy and well
I want you to "remember" that a Lady is a Lady and yes Lady Blah Blah was "First".  So "eye" think dim owe me, one or two and for that matter "Millions".  Dims just a bunch of "users".
So "hear" what I am talking about:
 see "Reviews" of lady blah blah's works.  and I will tell you later, WHAT the deal is but you are smart so you will figure it out, who biggest  "USERS" are...

"Orange" the word 10/11/11
The best is yet to come... 11/11/11
"Sun" the big picture   11/19/11
Is dat U "mugzy" 12/12/12
"See" better  6/20/13...

No it does not feel dat good, but later "gators" catch up with you on the rebound...
 (NOTE :"eye" love this brothers voice and music "Enjoy"..

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Freedom of "Expression"

August 1,
or "one" what???   Or "won" wat-wat???   One nation under god, or good, for the "goodness" of all.  Or whatever, and forever, you get the picture.
But it's important that we have freedom  of "EXPRESSION".   Dat the  reason for me to be your
Lady blah, blah.

Without  our "freedom of expression"  what is it???  Anywho???
Just ludacris.  Or if you prefer just a bunch of lunatics running under a dic, dic, dictatorship???
No, I am not capping on the brother's name it ain't about dat.  

"Eye" don't prefer,  or defer, of just "fur", no "eye" express my own self. Think good thoughts it's better for your kidneys.

Eye is  about speech, about song, writing, talking walking you got the picture.
But,but  listen up  let this brother tell you something you need to "HEAR".

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

"JEEUS WALK w/ ..."???

"US", just Us or Jesus, or Jee'us again and again, anywho it's  not "Justice"... and it's not "Just us" dat's all wrong, anywho, and, and compared to "WHO"???  Anywho???

So it's the 23rd of the month of  July. The 23rd song???
And, and July  has "lie"  in it,  a lot of "lies" in it.  Dis, situation is about America. Or is it AmeriKKK???

It ain't just about mr. sinnerman "getting away with it" ...... think about it..
Six Southern Bells, do not "Lady Liberty" make, make, or dims "fake" or some thing
like dat...

(listen up America.
 One more will the "real" America "Stand-Up" please,please, please...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

"eye" told U "stealerman"/"sinnerman" ???

(redo): lost reconsturted  work in progress)
It's all about the "Man".  What man, Man-terial man, or "Spiritual-man"???
Yeah who's the man the "REEL" man or the "REAL" man???

This is not suppose to be the "movies".  The sinnerman, is the stealerman he's fake he's not the truth.
But eye told you about the stealerman you can't "catch-up" with him flying around... He got away with it.

Flying around in the Hood, around the "hoodie" late at night.  His girl friend on the cell phone was right, it could have been one of them "you know what" kind of "guys" or "guy". Trying to pick-up on something or someone.  His girl friend must have had a "momma grizzle" moment.
Eye mean the guy or a guy in "tights" and he's " about his cloak, or he's "cloak-and-dagger"
 The kid was just walking alone in the night.
(to be continued check back later)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Resisting the "Niggeration" of "America"???

Today is the11th of July so, dat's  "711" and "eye" want to Ring the Bell, by the neck.  No, sir, just "kidding".  But maybe "eye" shoulda, coulda, woulda, but no, no, no.

Question, is "America" just a convenient corner store???
Yeah, convenient for "who" or "anywho" dat is ???
Another question, is, are "African-American" just a convenient "TARGET", for crazy people???
Crazy like a "fox" dat is or some kind of four legged "animal" dat is.
Okay, the above was just some good blah, blah, blah.  But listen up.

Here, is something very important to consider from a "legal scholar" who has observer,:
"The Court has imposed nearly insurmountable barriers to persons challenging race discrimination at all stages of the criminal justice system."  The barriers are so high that few lawsuits are even filed, notwithstanding shocking and indefensible racial disparities.  Procedural hurdles, such as the "standing requirement," have made it virtually impossible to seek reform of law enforcement agencies through the judicial process, even when the policies of practices at issue are illegal or plainly discriminatory.
(from The New Jim Crow,  Michelle Alexander)  pg 128

So, no snow,... where, where, where is America???
You know me, "eye" have to ask questions like this most important "One".
Okay, you know what I am saying, where, where, is the "One" nation under God?
Yes, indivisible with liberty and "Justice" for "ALL"???

Eye, think the "Snowman" is looking for "America". He's searching every "witch-away". 
So, good luck with dat, one.  Oh, did "eye" say one, who one, which one...what one ???

However, the "Sinnerman" is running with the pack.  Yeah, "eye" think so.  It looks like dat to me. He's running on his all "four"  leg/wheels, whatever will get you, get it.    Okay, I get it running or the chasing, and the chasers are the runners on all fours.

But the "kid" was just walking on sunshine to resist the "Niggerzation" process.
Dat means the "kid" was just walking and minding his own business in his "black hoodie" and carrying a box of "skittles" and or ice tea,and  did'nt have a "real" chance...No,no, no,....
Was the cry of resistance to Niggeration. 
But the "sinner-man" insist on or insist in "Niggerzation", he wanted to force it on the"KID".

Question, listen to the words, fr pg 128 NJC we got "standing requirement" legal term.  And, the infamous "stand your ground".  

So whoes on "first" not the "sinner-man" he's running on his all fours, and the kid is "Walking" on the ground he was "standing on".

So who should do the "talking"  is he who did the "walking".... if you know what 'eye' mean.

The "sinner-man" is just an old polluter, shooter, or "polluter-shooter" and the "kid"
 was just  Walking, walking walking... like "JC".. on sunshine...

(so where, where, where's ..???)

Friday, July 5, 2013

the "Niggerization of America"???

Smile, your on camera... Yes sir,yes sir, whatever your say, "Sir". 
What about the first amendment to the constitution???  Surveillance, of "who"  or "anywho"???
Do you really need a chain around your neck, or are "dim" just jerking your chain???

The problem is the "Spin, spin,spin" and the vilification of innocent Americans.

Pretty soon you won't be able to walk down the Street in your black hoodie with a box of "skittles" in your hand.

Listen UP!!!  Is this "1984" this is "Big Brother " rite LARGE???  I mean like what with the false "news" stories Dim  "cooking up".  It's just to coincidental to be "true".. all of it is .. "about the same thing".

"hears" what I mean, (are you listening???)   the "Snowman" story, is about... "Policing", the cooked up story, is about "Policing" (the white icing on top the devil food cake).. and, and the "Zimmerman" story, a true story of murder, is about...
you got it   "POLICING"???  and, and policing is ....

ABOUT SURVEILLANCE....and, and, the "niggerization of America"...

 (America is on Trial)

 Okay, lady blah blah can "read" just like Vernon Jordon, remember "dat"
'SMILE'  (because you have to, or too, whatever)...

  (dat's Sting) right/wrong/whatever:

Friday, June 28, 2013

So, no "snow" but how's the "weather" ???

This is from April 2012.   So what "snow" are you talking about???

But, but my question is how's the "Political Climate" anywho???

My next question is How much carbon do you want to 'beath"or "emit" or "admit", or"submit" to,too,two, anywho or, "whatever"???  Or  anywho, anywhere.
 Or where, where,where ??? 

 Is this the .....   (also see 4/9/13 the right to return "rent control")

Thursday, June 20, 2013

"SEE" better "Lear"

The "return of the Crown":
Standing strong is "beautiful", Beautiful is standing strong.

So, who's who??? and who "R" you anywho???   Eye recently watched a DVD documentary on
Bob Marley's life.  It was excellent.  What it revealed to me is the "struggle" of human existence to know the "self" to know our identity.

 okay,  "R"  "ID" matters. 

But "anywho"  there's a place in there where he talks himself directly about his ID, being a biracial persons in the Black Identified "Jamaica".   I am not going to tell it all but "hair" is mentioned...

Nappy breads???  But what "eye" got is it's okay, it's alright to be the sons and/or the daughters of the KING

Our true father, and or "further" our true "YOU".
If'n you know what "eye" mean.   Eye only mention this because this "Hair" thing just "wont" go away.  More discourse, and...  (to be continued check back later)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"SunBody" BIGGER than you and I"

Please, remember  MEDGAR EVERS,   shot in Jackson Mississippi,  June of 1963.
Okay, it's June,June, June 2013.   But check this, today is the 11th of June 2013.  Dat's a 6 X 11 = 66 and the year 2013 = 6 so you could get "666". and , and, and.... june 6 2013 was  also "666"
 listen up on June 6 2013: 

The control "freaks" against humanity, against true sanity are not my Father Figure.  I am talking the ones called "big business"  "big banks" and most of all  "big brother".
God the father the truth and the light is all we need. 

note:  June 12,1963 was the murder date of Medgar Evers, and new info I got says it was also the date of the incarceration of President Nelson Mandala during South African apartheid  he was imprisoned for some 27 years .  Okay, dat's  like the 50 anniversary of him being unjustly imprisoned. 

But I am thinking of Africa and the "Sun" rising in the East.  Check this the word and "word up" with me "PRISM" as in "color prism"
please think about it, thank you very much, much
listen to:
Jenifer Hudson "Spotlight": 

Okay, please don't forget the Right to Return Rent Control
see post 4/9/13 and on-line petition link 5/30/13 thanks again, and again

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Somebody, "Sunbody" Hero, yes, yes, Yes!

Well, well, well are you like me still waiting for your "SuperHero" to come along.

Okay, did I say "still" as in still waters run deep, or still, like the man of "steal" trickster hero.
Now you are going to the movies to watch, what, what, what??? But, is it really like in the "movies"???

But,but, but what about ... see (post 5/22/13) ???  Us poor, poor people???
Where's are HERO???  
important: to help go to

Eye think "somebodies" more than one, been "stealing" , yeah "stealing away"...

Dud, where's my "wallop"? and Dud, where's my "dream"???

                                           Eye think this guy has something on his "chest"...

He's flying around so you can't caught up with him, or caught it, dat is, "man of steal" or
 "stealer man" .

Question, where did or does the "Stealer man" get his power, his energy, is it the ....
 the Sun, or the real "Sun body" or what what what???

So watch up and watch out for the "Truthless"  the stealer's dat steal from the "True"...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"Eye" told you so...

Poor people,poor, poor...poor peope.    They are just desperate dat's all, desperate, desparate,     poor, poor peopel.

See post (4/9/13 the right to return Rent Control)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Rent is so "Hi", why why ???

I promised you some "pictures"  so here it "all" is if you know what I mean.
See "post 4/9/13: The right 2 return Rent Control"


Monday, April 22, 2013

Days of "R" earth???

April 20/13 "dims dat got"  had their "Pot day" on the town commons.  I have a few pictures for you
I'll see you next "X".  

For now April 22/13 is "R" earth day, and, and, and....

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I am at the University and tonight they have political strategist Karl Rove here as a guest what speaker. Wat, wat ???
I couldn't get in but I was there,at the student union ballroom where he was to speak.  What I saw was  the "Protesters" signs that said things like:
 Liar for Hire, and War Crimes...etc, etc...

But have you notice the war dim are "waging" (listen to the word) "waging" against poor people???
I have so I didn't want to do it but, but.... (hear it goes, listen up):

The right of  "Return to Rent Control":
This is a petition and a request to recognize that the poorest of the poor people are now being "targeted" and threatened with cut backs to the necessities of life.  This petition for the return to rent control in the state of Massachusetts notes that the loss of rent control in the State of Massachusetts came from the Republican "govenator" Governor William Weld in 1996.  This has caused massive increases in rents to rental apartments as well as two and three years on a waiting list for low income family rental assistance. 

This petition also recognizes that "the poor" are not the cause of the present budget "deficit" problem but rather suspects that years and years of  "wars" and "wall street  too big Bankers" are to be questioned in this regard.

What this petition aims to do is present the case for the poor peoples contribution and support for the Common Wealth of Massachusetts as reason for this request for the Return to Rent Control. 

What must be recognized in this request is the millions and millions of dollars in revenue collected daily in the Massachusetts Lottery system that is totally garnered from the pockets of
the "poor people" of Massachusetts.  It is the working poor, that buy 5 and 6 $20 scratch tickets at a time.  It is the elderly, the senior citizens, disabled veterans, and/or  the single mothers with dependent children standing in line to buy the "power ball" lottery tickets twice a week  and  other state lottery games  etc, etc.

It must also be noted that "poor people" pay taxes.  Yes, they do pay taxes on everything they buy that is taxed in this state. The difference however is that the "poor people"  pay "more" in tax in percentage since they have less in money. They actually pay a larger percent of their income than those with more money.

That being the "case" it is only "reasonable" to request consideration from the Common Wealth of Massachusetts and/or our Democratic Governor, Deval Patrick to roll back the rock,
that is The Right to "RETURN RENT CONTROL" for the sake of the poorer citizens in the Common Wealth of Massachusetts that contribute and support this state.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Chocolate bunnies, colored eggs,wat, wat, ???

A Basket Case???

Who dim want to "crucify".  Who dim been "crucifying"????
How many years and years and tears and tears of "crucifying"???  How many months, and  minutes and moments...
Those awful "moments of forever"...
 how many times a day how days a week???    dim "crucify" their victims dim "crucify" the poor people, the poor human beings   to save  Dim-dat-got,  selfish-self .  Wat, wat, wat???

Question, "HOW"!!!   da HELL,   dim got wat, wat, wat  "DIM-GOT"???
Ans:  Dim "crucify"  other than "dim".

But, but, Dim don't like "Chocolate" , do dim???  And, and, dim don't like "Color", do dim???

Is you, you know... "Crazy"?   Eye think so therefore....

Here we go wit words... Chocolate, Color, Crucify, and "Crazy",
 Eye rest my Case,
crazy, crazy close  (thank you very much)..list to this song
he, thinks you're   CRAZY...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The "N" of the "BLAQK" month???

So how long, is not long...???

 Not long enough or long ago in Westhell dimselfish wanted 
"SEGREGATION" and,and, dim wanted "APARTHEID".

Yeah, dimselfish wanted all the "JOB'S" for dimselfish self  only.  And, and, dimselfish wanted all the cotton picking "MONEY" too.  

How "dimselfish self" going to do all dat???

Bring in the "DOGS"  and bring in the "CLOWNS".

And, and, dimselfish-self wanted all the  higher "EDUCATION".  So dimselfish-self could get "hired" and/or  be  "higher up"   than thou. 

Than what???  Than "Tan" and all the rest Brown, Black, Red, Yellow, and (orange)... or whatever  you want to say "boss"... or   "ms bossy"... witchever...

So, "dimselfish-selves"  want to make it a cotton-picking "CRIME" for Colored folks, Negros, and or Black folks and  All-OF   the "ARRESTED -DEVELOPMENT" world to "LIVE".

Ain't it ashamed, and/or a sham???  more like ...

O'KAY  IS, dis, dis, dis... BLAQK ENOUGH 400 years for U??? black, quack witchever..

Sunday, February 24, 2013

5 Camera's , mirror, mirror, on the Wall

It's "Oscar night" almost.   It's about 5:00 clock.

Okay, I did not  see all of the movies up for awards but...
Check out "Five Broken Camera's"

But, my question is "Who's the fairest of "dim" all"???

You remember dat, it gose "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall ...

There's a lot of "R's" in mirror.
Remember the three "R's".   Learn something from your "Mirror".
Even if you don't want to.

So when you look in the mirror what do you want to "see"???
More importantly "who do you want to see"???

Violence isn't beautiful, after all is said and done, it's just awful is all.
Okay, it's not easy being Palestinian.  See for yourself in the movie.
Five Broken Camera's , will show you.

But broken camera's do not a broken people make. 
Dat's the message I got. 

But listen up, and think for your own self, and "see" for yourself...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bows and and Arrows

It' the middle of the month and, and, and...

Dim's laying dims pipe in mother earth.  It's the awful rape of the "female principle" of naure but, but,

It's a man's world.  Who said so???

Stop the violence against "WE" woman.  Thank You very much, much,...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Droned out of...

Well, how dose it sound??? 
Not so "good".

Does it sound like "Harmony"???
Not so "much".

Or does it "sound" like "harm"???
Do "dim" confuse harm for harmony???

Dim is OUT way, way OUT...

Out of "Harmony" with the planet earth.
Out of "Harmony" with the universe.
Out of "Harmony" with nature.
Out of "Harmony" with the continuation of human beings.

     What is "dim's" problem???  
      ans.  "Out of Harmony"

Listen up and,and, and.... ( to be continued :music video



Friday, January 18, 2013

Something there is dat does not love "Assualt Weapons"


Question, do big glocks and AKA47's make good nieghbors, or wat-wat???

"Good glocks"!!!  What is dis , anywho???

Face it, crazy people like "guns".  Crazy people like guns more than daz do "people".
And, and, crazy people like lots, and lots of gun-ammo "two", two???

What dat you say mugzy?
Two and anywho,wat-wat???  There yu go again, blah blah blah.

But face it again, "guns'  are history.  What is it "Gun's "R" US???    His-story.  Yeah, His-story is his "gun".
Dat's fact, not just blah blah blah.

History, or hystrical , his-story, is his gun dat's fact.

Crazy murders,crazy murderers,
murder crazy history is, is, is "crazy".

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Emancipation Proclamation "1863"...

Last "X"  I said "time" out.  Okay, start over.
It's 2013 and the world did not "N" or did it???

The 113 congress...the 13th amemdment...wat wat???

So, January the 3rd, 2013, and I have a question.  What's it all about?
Where are we NOW???

Have "dim" been taking advantage of proverty, I mean the poor,the poor people?
Have "dim" been giving up a walloop to push the poor people over the...?
I said give I did not say "take" dim do all the "taking".
Have "dim" been fabricating, and lying in wait just to get in your face and,and, and...

Okay , How long, how long...

Read dis, and think about it:( 2B continued later..)
and, and, listen to video...thanks