February 3, 2011 was the beginning of the new year, the year of the Rabbit in the lunar
calender or Chinese calender. The year of the Rabbit is for "happiness" and "good fortune". You remember I told you "happiness" is non-violence. Well, it's happening all over the world the "influence" of non-violence is shaking up the world. It's a good thing. But let's give credit where credit is due.
February is Black History month so-said, also the shorts month in the year. I could talk about that a lot but let's take it at face value.
The African American contribution to a world movement of "yes" peace and non-violence can not be denied.
From the freedom marcher and freedom riders in the 60's to free expression of conscious
Hip Hop its all good.
So, the world is changing, and it's our culture, the culture of America that the world wants. It is the culture coming from the most down trodden of America's people that is the "heart" and "life" of America that people all over the world want.
Give credit where credit is due even if you don't want to,(smile) and keep on rollin.
Lady B, can make "egg rolls":
Okay, I don't have any fortune cookies for you but I did learned how to make Chinese
"egg rolls" on February 15, at the Survivors Center, a help place for poor people like me. Anywho, I got the recipe for you.
NO EGGS IN the EGG ROLLS, what? what? What's that you say?:
But I have to tell you something else I learned while learning to make eggrolls.
I had to ask and I did ask. Why are they called Egg rolls? I could see that there arn't any eggs in the the eggrolls. So what's with the name. Wu Ling the teacher could not answer that but she said, "That's a good question".
Again it's me finding the true,that things arn't like they say.
I just wonder why people don't ask more questions.
But this is how I get in trouble y'all, I just keep on asking "questions". Some of my teachers at the university and in college didn't like me for that. But I wanted to learn what it's all about.
Can you believe I got label a troublemaker for asking questions.
They said I asked too many questions.
Is this a dictatorship or what-what is it?
Guest what else? I came up with an idea for a new peace shirt. I hand print my peaceshirt. I showed my new design to everyone at the center the next day. I will tell you about that later. Oh, yes I self copy (copyright) my designs. So, it's "Make Eggrolls" "not War". (all rights reserved 2011). I came up with a nice design for the shirt and I noticed that an Egg roll is about the same size and shape of a hand grenades or small bomb. So it works, make egg rolls, instead of, you got it. I mean its the same thing, sort of, but better. smile. "nicer" anywho.
But here is the recipe for peace... Egg rolls: (smile again if you want to)
You need veggies and eggroll wraps
slices of spicy Tofu
graded carrots
graded small amt fresh ginger
chopped onion
mung bean noodles (soak in water) to soften before you fry with veggies
add small amt salt and pepper (not too much salt you will want soy sauce later)
if you are not a veggie person (Add cook pieces of chicken or shrimp)
Stir fry veggie mix:
Stir fry all the ingredients in small amt oil till veggies are soften and cooked.
Now place a scoop of the veggie mix onto a Egg roll wrap, place mixture in the center of the wrap. Turn the wrap so it looks like a diamond shape in front of you, one corner is facing you. Take up the corner of the diamond shape and roll it towards the veggies. Try to tuck the veggies under the corner while folding in the two out side corners. It's looks like an envelop, you got the idea. Roll tight. You don't want open ends for oil to get inside your roll when you fry it in hot-hot veggie oil.
Fry till the rolls are golden brown. Cool on paper towel and enjoy with sweet and sour sauce or Chinese hot mustard. This could be a great party food with your cold beers. whatever. But it is a fried food so go easy don't do it too often.
You can see picture of Chinese New Year celebrations at:
I think they got that bigpicture from my word thing in my June blog on the BP spill. It's okay I know my stuff. see june 29/10 blog.
Word UP:
Here is some more of what I am doing, with the word thing, from the year of the Rabbit 2011, I went with Hip-Hop, and from Eggroll, I got you with "wrap" eggroll wraps. From the Black History month I got you with non-violence equals happiness and yes, around and back to the Year of the Rabbit is for , you got it, "Happiness" (smile if you want to)
So that's it. We gona Hip Hop, in the year of the Rabbit. And, yes, a shout out to all my Asian Friends, Peace and keep on rollin on.
Okay, let's HIP HOP around the world, watch this: