Monday, August 30, 2010


(note: backup check post 8/11 What's going on , to view Video)
I am back. And it's okay with me to be back. It's a good old summer time thing. For two weeks I did a summer school class at the University on the environment, ecology, and evolution. Okay, I am still processing this experience in the microbe world of ity-bity things.

But my word thing kept popping up. This time its about the word "evolution" I see it as a trick. I am sorry but there is not much honesty in this dominated world now that "God is Dead".

Smile, I don't really mean or believe this but they do, I would say "almost" but not quite. I think God is going to do a come back.

So I got it, the evolution thing in reality is "Evilution". Sorry again, but the history of life on this planet for all species has been one of extreme conflict and losses. Some 90% of the species that once inhabited this planet are now "extinct". All of it has been about a loss of habitat. The questions I have for you is "What does that tell you?" and "Just where do you think we are going?"

I am not going to write too much but I am interested in the prophecy of 2012. So I will be blogging in the future on this subject. One hint, the more I see the more I understand that it all fits together even all the ity-bity stuff. "microbes".

Remember, I gave you the insight I had into BP as being all about the need for the Big Picture. The wicked aggressors are the "Evilution" problem. The aggressors have no respect for anybody not even themselves. So, what can you do? Like I said, Iam tuning into 2012.

Hey, I started this blog for Lady Blah Blah to speak truth to the powers and before I could get the words out of my "truelips " the Tulip is our lady's flower symbol",

the "stealers", like the "foot ballers" were on the case. And she looked sort like a big burly quaterback. Yes, I am dealing with an identity thief out there masquerading as me the lady. As your "truelips" Ms Lady, the original and only true "Lady Blah Blah".

And she (the imposter) is fat and on Twitter. I wrote to twitter about this problem, gave them proof that I had my name up on my Blog, the month before the criminal stole it for her selfish self. I did not get an answer from my letter to twitter. I noted they are in San Fransisco. Okay, I have an idea about this but I can't tell you now. But, listen if you can help me reclaim my domain name please let me know. It's an important name for the future work I have in mind.

So, please be kind and help me out with this one. Oh, before I go don't forget, this sunday is Green Sunday, if you dont know what I mean start at the begining June 29 Post.

Take care and cheer up, look on the bright side
remember that song,

oo child things are going to get better
oo child things are going to get brighter
someday we'll walk in the beauiful sunshine
someday we'll all be together

Peace always
your lady blah blah

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What's Going On???

What's Going On, what's going on...
"note added videos of What's going on" 8/30/10
Ya, what's going on in hot-hot Russia with fire, heat and pollution so bad they have to stay in side or wear a gasmask when they go out. What's going on in China with too much rain and wet-wet mud slides. What's going on in Pakistan, with floods and loss people and land. Something in India too, and now they said they can't drink the water in Iowa it's too polluted. There's a lot of hot-air up there, you know what I mean , people are angry. People are on the edge... So what's going on..

Mother, mother
There's too many of you crying
Brother, brother, brother
There's far too many of you dying
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today - Ya

That was brother Marvin, in 1970 and he was "Right on , Right on". What I hear in this incredible song of the 70 is a Plea. A plea for our Mother, this place we call our home, Mother Earth. Listen again

Mercy mercy me
things ain't what they
use to be
radiation underground
and in the sea
Fish full of Mercury -wo oh
Mercy mercy me
things aint what they
use to be

Well I think this brother got it right. But we can't stop Progress can we? I mean someone said
"Progress is our most important product" That was Ronald Reagan. So does that mean we are for all times we are "consumers" first, last and the rest doesn't matter.

Guess what? I actually went to a movie. It was so awful I got up and walked out after 15 minutes and asked for my money back. They gave it to me. It was so full of violence and nonsenscial that I just could not hack it. But before I could see the movie they hit me with every advertised "Product" in the US of A. The "A" is for advertised.
The United States of Advertisement???
The movie perview had been substituted for an advertisement free for all. But it's not free.
Question: whatever happen to the Free World?
But the whole thing was so nauseous. It was like beating me over the head with a 20 foot Silver Screen with these bigger than life characters in my face screaming
buy this buy this buy this
No, this is not what lady Blah Blah means by the "Big Picture". No, not this Hollywood Evil Empire stuff. That's the identity thief of the real and the true. But I proved I would not be a captive audience victim. It took all my power but I got up and walked "OUT".

A little more on what I mean by the "Big Picture". See, we have a language problems and part of the "Spin" being used on us "by" so-called big business is the identity theft from the true and free world. It's for you to buy that its"by" them and only them, that the "big picture" or the really big show they are selling you 24 and 7. But in actuality their picture is a picture within the"Big Picture" to capture your full attention to the exclusion of the "real" the natural goodness and fullness of nature as our true provider. Okay, it's a controlled show, done with smoke and mirrors and now a days technological trickery.

Flash Back, in your rear view mirror:
Back in the day, they told us to

"See, the USA in your Chevrolet,
America is asking you to buy.
Drive your Chevrolet in the USA...

America is asking you to buy. But it's more than a tin can with wheels that you are buying its a life style that is not going to be sustainable in the long run when we run out of the "crude".

But I understand all of this as what it is "brain saturation". Is it healthy, not really. But
did you know that back in the day they told people that smoking Chesterfields was good for Asthma, and that Lucky Strikes was good for indigestion. I did not know this either but someone told me and I was also told that in the 40's and 50's they told Women to use "Lysol" for female Douche. Can you believe it. It's ... And there was the Marlboro man in Marlboro country, tall in the saddle. He was the original macho macho man

But to contrast the buy it buy it with the other demon, steal it. Yeah, if they did not sell it to you then how did you get it?
The other day I got the bus with a Latin woman and her daughter ahead of me. The driver demanded she had to pay an extra 75 cent for her 7 year old daughter. She said, "I don't have any more money". He screamed at her to get off the bus, and said "this is like a store, you are either buying or your stealing". She said "watch your mouth, I am not stealing anything". She went to the back of the bus. Me and another person of color looked for change to give her. She keep talking out loud, saying "Dringo's" and "white" and screamed "Everybody is the same."
The Seller knows who you are and they know who they are. Okay, here we go seller, stealer is it all the same? It's about distribution is'nt it. But they are tracking you right this minute on the "net". You are being hunted. As for stealing, that movie was stealing some of my precious time and forcing me to listen and watch them sell it. I just wanted to see the movie that's what I paid them for, the movie.

Okay, DISTRIBUTION, It's all about "Dis" tribution, that is the issue isn't it?
Who get's to do the "Dis" tribution of what, and to whom. There's a lot of "dis"
in "distribution".

Brute force, it is like conquest and the conquistador or the whole nine yards. And there's a lot of yarn in their nine yards.

It's History or "His Story" and reality. That's what this is the (USof A) and that's What's Going On . This blog is about thinking about it, what's going on, and on, and on how it hurts all of us and our mother earth. I am a advocate for tolerance. It's the only way we can work it out.

And, Lady Blah Blah just wants to question brute force. Like is there a better way?
A better fuel, a better deal than the"crude" I am hoping so.
I can't believe there's just "Hot-Air" and planet destruction.
Okay, the crude of brute force of brain saturation of big brother mind control and can't we all just get along?
Let's look at the word "crude" it rhymes with "rude". A lot is captured in the word "crude".
It's the case for "hot-Air" both mentally and physically "pollution" both are bodies and our planet's need for a "soulution".
The crude is the obscenely advertised brute force and the dirty dirt guy's story. It's a lot of stuff but don't be mad at Lady Blah Blah for telling you how it is because :

Father, father
We don't need to escalate
You see, war is not the answer
For only love can conquer hate
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today

Picket lines and picket signs
Don't punish me with brutality
Talk to me, so you can see
What's going on
Ya, what's going on
Ah, what's going on

Well it's 2010 and you have come a long way since the 70's and I have one more Oldie for you to remember with me it goes:

Ill always love my moma
she's my favorite girl
Ill always love my moma
she bought me in this world
you Only get one
you Only get one

Okay, if no mother earth love then no world to go round and round
see you next time
your lady blah blah
thank you for listening up